Custom Connector Tubes


New member
Jul 3, 2008
I recently put a CR head on my VP engine. I put some tubes that let me use the stock VP fuel lines but there 0.093" tubes. Those are the only changes I did, it runs good, idles fine but smokes horribly compare to before and my cruising egt's are about 100* hotter. Even cruising down the hiway there is haze of smoke. I can also drop the fuel pressure down to 4-5psi now.

So I am thinking this is due to the larger connector tubes. I had a set of stock CR tubes so I got them machined down to the right size. I believe there around a 0.080" so there a fair bit smaller. But now that I shortened them the filters are to long to put back in. How important are the filters? I have heard they also dampen the pulsations of the VP is that so?

Also with out the filters the tube is stepped were the filter is then it get smaller what affect would that have? Because right now the CR tubes with out the filter actually has more volume then the 0.093" tubes. CR tubes with out filters has about 53cm3 were the 0.093" are 48cm3. Stock VP tubes would be 24cm3 and the custom CR tubes with filters would be 34cm3 but actually it would be even a bit smaller because the filter would take up a fair bit more volume. Does the total volume even have any effect? If it does I am gonna try to get the filters back in but its gonna be tight for room.





Are the pistons/bowls in a VP motor compatible with the CR injectors and spray angle?
Just curious.
As far as the edge filters...mine are long gone with no adverse effects.
I haven't had edge filters in mine since 2005, also no problems.

well no problems related to the edge filters.
Thats good to hear I guess. I am running VP injectors so no diffrence there.
How did you get the filters out? did you just use a punch?
How did you get the filters out? did you just use a punch?

Yep they are just pressed in, didnt take much to get them out.

I guess maybe I will try them with out the filters and see if there is any improvement. To get the filters in I need to drill the tubes out some then shorten the filters. I can't drill to far though or else I hit the balls that are on the tubes.
I ran .093's in mine for a while with no filters and 240hp sticks with no problems. Mine didnt even have a lope.
I have talked to him a bit and actually really owe him a thanks, if it wasn't for his detailed thread I would of never done the swap my self. I do believe though he is running the same 0.093" tubes I am now or he might even be running the .120" tubes. Although he has a monster pump I believe and they recommend using the bigger tubes.
Well I put in the custom CR tubes with out the filters. It definetly helped it out doesn't smoke near as much cruising egt's are 50-100* cooler and it just seems to run a bit smoother. There also isn't a constant trail of smoke behind me, hopefully I can get better then 10mpg pulling the camper now. I just wonder if it would be beneficial to try and put the filters back in?

Does anybody know how long the filters are, in the stock VP44 connector tubes? I am hoping there a little shorter then the CR ones.

Thanks Smokem.

No, its not going to change anything besides filtering it or is it going to actually hurt the performance.

So by the results I take it, the hole size is more important then the entire volume of the tube??