Custom gauge background


Jan 29, 2008
You have a PM! I would like to do some custom gauges like these and change the mph for the hell of it. I know there are places that can do this but finding them is the problem. Steven.
I finally got back to you. Those guys can do some crazy things with vinyl!
Company called COOL DESIGNS graphics. They're out of Shelbyville, IN. They have an eBay store, if you message them on there, ask for Cole. I can PM you his number but it's just as easy to request something from them on eBay. Just make sure you give him dimensions. Tell him Jordan sent you to him and he'll know what you are talking about.

I am going to run a regular tach here in the near future, I will put the numbers on the outside of the gauge face. I have to get a pickup sensor from a 12v.