Cutting splines onto a shaft?


Active member
Nov 18, 2007
I have a 1/2" diameter steel shaft that I need splined to fit a small pressure plate; it needs ~26 small, ~1/16" deep splines cut into it.

How are splines cut onto a shaft?
On a spline hobbing machine or a horizontal mill with a spline cutter. You need to know more than just the depth. Angle and type of spline. Also involute or standard wall shape.
So they take one of these hootenaners...


Put it on one of these wampuses...


And then let it do this sort of catybumpkin?

If I need to say anything other than "I need this shaft splined to fit this hub" I'm screwed. LOL
Lol, yeah you figured out. Hobbing is pretty cool, but very slow. Find your local gear shop, or talk to some machine shops to find out who does their hobbing.
If your lucky enough you could find someone that rolls the splines. the other option is if they are straight splines is they can be broached on.
If your lucky enough you could find someone that rolls the splines. the other option is if they are straight splines is they can be broached on.

What's better why?

They're straight splines.
Rolled, and broaching are lower tolerance production methods. I doubt you'll find someone to roll what you need for cheap. Broaching maybe, hobbing cost is going to depend on your material (how hard it is determines how long its going to take).

If you could find a local with a shaper and a indexing head they could make quick work of simple splines.