Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Psalm 24

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. —Psalm 24:3-4

Bible in a Year:
Revelation 1-3

It seems that wherever you go these days, you see signs encouraging people to wash their hands. With the constant threat of germs and viruses spreading disease throughout the general public, health officials continually remind us that unwashed hands form the single greatest agent for the spread of germs. So, in addition to the signs calling for vigilant hand- washing, public places will often provide hand sanitizers to help take care of germs and bacteria.

David also spoke of the importance of “clean hands,” but for a dramatically different reason. He said that clean hands are one key to being able to enter into God’s presence for worship: “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?” he asked. And the answer? “He who has clean hands and a pure heart” (Ps. 24:3-4). Here “clean hands” is not a reference to personal hygiene but a metaphor for our spiritual condition—being cleansed from sin (1 John 1:9). It speaks of a life committed to what is right and godly—enabling us to stand blameless before our Lord in the privilege of worship.

As His life is lived out in our lives, He can help us to do what’s right so that our hands are clean and our hearts are ready to give worship to our great God.
Worship, praise, and adoration,All are due to Jesus’ name.Freely give your heart’s devotion,Constantly His love proclaim. —Anon.
The road to worship begins with gratefulness
for the cleansing of God.
January 2, 2013 — by Randy Kilgore
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Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn Read: Luke 15:1-7
The joy of the Lord is your strength. —Nehemiah 8:10
Bible in a Year:
Genesis 4-6; Matthew 2Whoever dreamed up T-ball is a genius: Every kid on the field gets a taste of the fun and joy of the game before they taste the disappointment of striking out.

In T-ball, a baseball is placed on a rubber tee about waist-high to the 5- and 6-year-old batters. Players swing until they hit the ball and then run. On my first night as a coach, the very first batter hit the ball far into the outfield. Suddenly every player from every position ran to get the ball instead of staying where they were supposed to. When one of them reached it, there was nobody left in the infield for him to throw it to! All the players were standing together—cheering with unrestrained exuberance!

Those who have recently come to know Jesus as Savior have an unrestrained joy that is a delight to be around as well. We rejoice with them, and so do the angels in heaven! (Luke 15:7). New Christians are in love with God and excited about knowing Him and learning from His Word.

Those who’ve been Christians for a long time may get discouraged with the struggles of the Christian life and forget the joy of new-found faith. So take the opportunity to rejoice with those who’ve come to faith. God can use them to inspire you to renew your own commitment to Jesus.

Rejoice, O soul, your debt is paid,For all your sins on Christ were laid;We’ve been redeemed, we’re justified—And all because the Savior died. —D. DeHaanRestore to me the joy of Your salvation. —Psalm 51:12
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Philippians 2:1-11

Fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love. —Philippians 2:2

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 7-9; Matthew 3

I love being with people . . . most of the time. There is a special joy that resonates in our hearts when we are with people we enjoy. But unfortunately we are not always with those we like to be around. Sometimes people can be prickly, which may be why someone has said, “The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog!” When we don’t find joy in a relationship, we tend to blame the other person; then we excuse ourselves as we exit to be with people we like.

The apostle Paul asks us to lovingly engage with our brothers and sisters in Christ. In fact, he calls all of us to be “of one accord,” to look out “for the interests of others,” and to “let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:2-5). Think about it. Jesus gave up His own prerogatives and privileges for us; He chose to live as a servant and paid the ultimate sacrifice that He might bring us into a joy-filled relationship with Him (see Heb. 12:2). And He did all that in spite of our prickliness (see Rom. 5:8).

So next time you are with someone who is not easy to get along with, ask Jesus to help you find a way to extend His love. In time, you might be surprised by how God can change your attitude about people.
Lord, thank You that while I was still offensive to You,You saved me with Your sacrificial love. Give me thesame courage and grace to extend to others the lovethat You have so graciously extended to me.
The key to getting along with others
is having the mind of Christ.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Psalm 146

Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God. —Psalm 146:5

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 10-12; Matthew 4

Recently, I saw a television ad for a restaurant chain that made a dramatic claim. At those restaurants, the ad said you could “Help Yourself to Happiness.” Wouldn’t it be nice if a helping of potatoes or meat or pasta or dessert would be all that was needed to provide happiness? Unfortunately, no restaurant can fulfill that promise.

Happiness is an elusive thing—as we can see in almost every area of life. Our pursuit of happiness may involve food or a host of other things, but, in the end, happiness continues to escape our grasp.

Why? In large measure it’s because the things we tend to pursue do not touch the deepest needs of our hearts. Our pursuits may provide moments of enjoyment, distraction, or pleasure, but the cry of our hearts goes unheard—the cry for help and hope. That is why the psalmist points us to a better way when he says, “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Ps. 146:5).

Help yourself? Yes—if we are seeking the happiness found in the Lord. It is only when we entrust ourselves to God and His care that we can find the happiness we seek. Our hope and help are found only in trusting Him.
Father, draw me to Yourself. Remind me that onlyin You will I know the real joy and satisfaction thatmy heart longs for. Help me to look beyond thesurface things of life to what really matters.
The one who puts God first will have happiness that lasts.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: 2 Timothy 3:14-17

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God . . . that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. —2 Timothy 3:16-17

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 18-19; Matthew 6:1-18

Karl Elsener, a Swiss designer of surgical equipment in the 19th century, worked for years on perfecting a military knife. Today his Swiss Army Knife is associated with excellence in blades and a variety of utilities. One model includes knife blades, a saw, scissors, a magnifying glass, a can opener, a screwdriver, a ruler, a toothpick, a writing pen, and more—all in one knife! If you are out camping in the wild, this one item can certainly make you feel equipped for survival.

We need something to equip us to survive spiritually in this sinful world. God has given us His Word, a kind of spiritual knife for the soul. Paul writes: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

The word translated equipped means to “furnish or fit completely.” How does the Bible equip us for life’s journey? It provides spiritual truth in doctrine; reproof in showing our imperfections; correction by revealing our sinful failures; and instruction in living a righteous life. There’s not a more valuable tool than God’s Word to make us fully equipped for spiritual survival and personal growth.
Lord, thank You for equipping us with Yourinspired Word. You’ve given us the tools weneed to live for You. Help us to take time to readit and to follow what You tell us. Amen.
The Bible contains the nutrients we need for a healthy soul.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Romans 5:6-15

God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. —Romans 5:8

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 20-22; Matthew 6:19-34

My friend was having a conversation with a man who didn’t have much good to say about the Christian faith. My friend knew that if he were to sound too “religious,” he would jeopardize any chance to witness. So, in the middle of their discussion, he said, “Hey, Bob, do you know where sinners go?”

“That’s easy,” he replied. “You’re going to tell me they go to hell.”

“No,” my friend responded. “They go to church.”

Bob was speechless. That wasn’t what he expected. He wasn’t ready to hear from a Christian who realized he wasn’t perfect. My friend had a chance to share that Christians understand their sinfulness and their need for continual spiritual restoration. He was able to explain grace—the unmerited favor we have with God despite our sinfulness (Rom. 5:8-9; Eph. 2:8-9).

Perhaps we don’t give those outside the church a clear picture of what’s happening inside. They may not understand that we’re there to praise our Savior for providing “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins” (Col. 1:14).

Yes, sinners go to church. And sinners—forgiven ones—go to heaven because of God’s grace.
We’re far from perfection, yet perfect forever,For Christ is our righteousness, Lord, and our Savior;No justification for sin can we offer,Yet sanctified fully, we’re now His forever. —Lee
A church is a hospital for sinners, not a club for saints.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Luke 19:1-10

If I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold. —Luke 19:8

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 23-24; Matthew 7

It was a perfect day for our garage sale—bright and warm. People rummaged through clothing, paperbacks, and mismatched dishes. I noticed a young woman looking at a string of white beads. A few minutes later, the necklace vanished along with its admirer. I spotted her in the street, jogged the length of my driveway, and discovered the missing jewelry nestled in her palm. As we faced each other with the knowledge of what had happened, she volunteered to pay for the stolen item.

Zacchaeus, the tree-climbing tax collector, met Jesus and was changed. He vowed to repay four times the amount of money he had dishonestly taken from others (Luke 19:8). In those days, tax collectors frequently overcharged citizens and then pocketed the extra funds. Zacchaeus’ eagerness to pay back the money and to donate half of what he owned to the poor showed a significant change of heart. He had once been a taker, but after meeting Jesus he was determined to make restoration and be a giver.

Zacchaeus’ example can inspire us to make the same kind of change. When God reminds us about items we have taken, taxes left unpaid, or ways we have wronged others, we can honor Him by making it right.
Help me, dear Lord, to be honest and trueIn all that I say and all that I do;Give me the courage to do what is rightTo bring to the world a glimpse of Your light. —Fasick
A debt is never too old for an honest person to pay.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Ephesians 1:15-21

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. —Ephesians 1:7

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 25-26; Matthew 8:1-17

A prisoner who survived 14 years in a Cuban jail told how he kept his spirits up and his hope alive: “I had no window in my cell, and so I mentally constructed one on the door. I ‘saw’ in my mind a beautiful scene from the mountains, with water tumbling down a ravine over rocks. It became so real to me that I would visualize it without effort every time I looked at the cell door.”

Ironically, some of the most hopeful books of the Bible—Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians—come out of Paul’s house arrest in Rome. The letter to the Ephesians gives a hint as to what the apostle Paul saw when he thought about life beyond his place of confinement.

First he saw the spiritual growth in the churches he left behind. This book opens with a burst of thanksgiving for the vitality of the Ephesian church (Eph. 1:15-16). Then he sought to open the eyes of their hearts to even more exalted sights: the “exceeding riches” of God’s grace (2:7). When Paul cranks up the volume to express God’s plan of love, not one low, mournful note sneaks in.

If you feel discouraged or question whether the Christian life is worth it, Ephesians proves to be a great tonic. It prescribes the riches in Christ available to all.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the staggeringgood news of the riches of Your infinite grace.Thank You for the encouragement and hopewe find in Ephesians. Amen.
No one is hopeless whose hope is in God and His Word.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: 1 John 1

Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. —1 John 1:3

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 27-28; Matthew 8:18-34

When the Day of Discovery television crew interviews people for a biography, we especially enjoy talking with those who knew the person whose life-story we are telling. Over the years, we’ve talked with a man who roomed with Eric Liddell in an internment camp in China; a woman who as a teenager lived in the home of C. S. Lewis during World War II; and a man who chauffeured Dr. George Washington Carver on a speaking tour throughout the southern US. They all spoke freely and openly about the special person they knew.

When John, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, was an old man, he wrote a letter in which his opening words established him as an eyewitness and close companion of Jesus: “The life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us” (1 John 1:2). His goals in writing were “that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (v.3) and “that your joy may be full” (v.4).

The eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ disciples help lead us to faith in Christ. Even though we have not seen Him as they did, we have believed.
Thank You, Father, for the reliable eyewitnessaccounts of Jesus’ life that we can read in YourWord. And thank You for people in our liveswho know Him. They help us believe too.
Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. —Jesus
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Job 12:1-10

A [disaster] is despised in the thought of one who is at ease; it is made ready for those whose feet slip. —Job 12:5

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 33-35; Matthew 10:1-20

During a difficult recession, I organized a support group for fellow Christians to help them cope with unemployment. We provided resumé reviews, networking, and prayer support. One problem emerged: Whenever someone got a job, he or she almost never returned to the group to offer encouragement. That increased the loneliness and isolation of those left in the group.

Worse, though, were comments from those who had never experienced a job loss. They mirrored the accusations of Job’s friends in his suffering: “If you were pure and upright, surely now [God] would awake for you, and prosper [you]” (8:6). By chapter 12, Job is starting to express things in terms modern workers can understand. He says that he feels despised by those whose life is easy (v.5).

When things are going well for us, we may start to think that we who don’t have troubles are better somehow, or are more loved by God, than those who are struggling. We forget that the effects of this fallen world are indiscriminate.

We are all loved by the Lord and we all need Him—in good times and bad. The successes, abundance, and positions that God has given to us are tools to help us encourage others in their time of need.
Give us the humility, Lord, not to act like Job’s friendswho accused him of sin because of his trials. Show ushow to help those who are struggling so that we mightgive the kind of encouragement You have given us.
Humility toward God makes us gentle toward others.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: James 5:13-18

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. —James 5:16

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 36-38; Matthew 10:21-42

When my sister found out she had cancer, I asked my friends to pray. When she had surgery, we prayed that the surgeon would be able to remove all of the cancer and that she wouldn’t have to undergo chemotherapy or radiation. And God answered yes! When I reported the news, one friend remarked, “I’m so glad there’s power in prayer.” I responded, “I’m thankful that God answered with a yes this time.”

James says that “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (5:16). But does “effective” and “fervent” mean the harder we pray, or the more people we ask to pray, the more likely God is to answer with a yes? I’ve had enough “no” and “wait” answers to wonder about that.

Prayer is powerful, but it’s such a mystery. We’re taught to have faith, to ask earnestly and boldly, to persevere, to be surrendered to His will. Yet God answers in His wisdom and His answers are best. I’m just thankful that God wants to hear our hearts and that no matter the answer, He is still good.

I like Ole Hallesby’s words: “Prayer and helplessness are inseparable. Only those who are helpless can truly pray. . . . Your helplessness is your best prayer.” We can do helplessness quite well.
Lord, I’ve been taught many things about prayer—bespecific, be bold, be surrendered, be strong in faith,be persistent. Today I recognize my helplessness andYour power as I share my heart with You. Amen.
Prayer is the child’s helpless cry to the Father’s attentive ear.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Isaiah 55:6-13

My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways. —Isaiah 55:8

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 39-40; Matthew 11

There are a lot of things that intrigue me about Jesus. One of the aspects of His ministry that has always produced jaw-dropping, head-scratching responses is His upside-down teaching about life.

As we journey through life, we may get to the point where we think we’ve got it figured out and our thought patterns and responses for navigating through life are deeply engrained. Yet Jesus interrupts us in the midst of our routines and calls us to a new and better way. But beware! This encounter with the ways of Jesus will be challenging.

Consider these paradoxical propositions: to live you must die (Mark 8:35); to gain you must give (Matt. 19:21); “blessed are those who mourn” (5:4); to rule you must serve (Luke 22:26); and suffering has purpose (5:10-11).

It is pronouncements like these that make people think Christ is strangely out of touch. But we are the ones out of touch. He is not upside down, we are! We’re like children who think they know better than their parents what is best.

No wonder God has told us, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isa. 55:8). So, rather than relying on our mixed-up instincts, let’s ask Him to help us reflect His ways.
Lord, You know what is best, and You desire to leadus in paths that are right and good. Give us thecourage to trust and to follow You in the waysof righteousness for Your name’s sake. Amen.
What may seem upside down to us is right side up to God.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: John 16:25-33

In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. —John 16:33

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 41-42; Matthew 12:1-23

I was glad to see the final days of the year draw to a close. It had held so much sorrow, sickness, and sadness. I was ready to welcome January with its very own brass band!

But as the first month of the new year arrived, so did one bit of sad news after another. Several friends lost their parents. My dad’s brother slipped away in his sleep. Friends discovered they had cancer. A colleague’s brother and a friend’s son both died tragically and abruptly. Rather than the sad times ceasing, the new year seemed to bring a whole new tsunami of sorrow.

John 16:33 tells us, “In the world you will have tribulation.” Even God’s children are not promised a life of ease, of prosperity, nor of good health. Yet we are never alone in our trouble. Isaiah 43:2 reminds us that when we pass through deep waters, God is with us. Although we don’t always understand God’s purposes in the trials we experience, we can trust His heart because we know Him.

Our God is a God of abundant love and “neither death nor life. . . nor things present nor things to come [will ever] separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:38-39). When trouble comes, His presence is His promise.
Swift cometh His answer, so clear and so sweet;“Yea, I will be with thee, thy troubles to meet;I will not forget thee, nor fail thee, nor grieve;I will not forsake thee, I never will leave.” —Flint
Faith is believing that God is present
when all we hear is silence.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: 1 Corinthians 12:14-26

But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it. —1 Corinthians 12:24

Bible in a Year:
Genesis 43-45; Matthew 12:24-50

The story has been told about a conductor who was rehearsing his orchestra. The organ was giving a beautiful melody, the drums were thundering, the trumpets were blaring, and the violins were singing beautifully. But the conductor noticed something missing—the piccolo. The piccolo player had gotten distracted and hoped his instrument wouldn’t be missed. The conductor reminded him: “Each one of us is necessary.”

This was essentially the same message Paul communicated to the Corinthian believers in his first letter to them (12:4-7). Every Christian plays an important role in the body of Christ. Paul gave a list of gifts of the Spirit and compared their use to the functioning of the various parts of the human body for the good of the whole (vv.8-10). The Corinthian believers may have had different cultural backgrounds, gifts, and personalities, but they were filled with the same Spirit and belonged to the same body of Christ. Paul made special mention of the parts of the body that were weak and obscure, and taught that all believers play a necessary and significant role. No one part was more necessary than any other.

Remember, Jesus has given you a significant part to play and will use you to build up His people.
The church, a living body, containing all the parts—It lives, it moves, it functions, and touches many hearts;When each part is committed to do the Savior’s will,His members are united, His purpose they fulfill. —Fitzhugh
As a member of the body of Christ,
you are a necessary part of the whole.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Luke 15:11-24

When he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. —Luke 15:20

Bible in a Year:
Exodus 1-3; Matthew 14:1-21

At the funeral of former US First Lady Betty Ford, her son Steven said, “She was the one with the love and the comfort, and she was the first one there to put her arms around you. Nineteen years ago when I went through my alcoholism, my mother . . . gave me one of the greatest gifts, and that was how to surrender to God, and to accept the grace of God in my life. And truly in her arms I felt like the prodigal son coming home, and I felt God’s love through her. And that was a good gift.”

Jesus’ parable about a young man who asked for and squandered his inheritance and then in humiliation returned home leaves us amazed at his father’s response: “When he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him” (Luke 15:20). Instead of a lecture or punishment, the father expressed love and forgiveness by giving him a party. Why? Because “this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found” (v.24).

Steven Ford concluded his tribute with the words, “Thank you, Mom, for loving us, loving your husband, loving us kids, loving the nation, with the heart of God.”

May God enable us to open our arms to others, just as His are open wide to all who turn to Him.
Lord, help me be kind and forgiving—Your loving forgiveness You’ve shownTo me for the sins I’ve committed;Lord, grant me a love like Your own. —Anon.
Forgiven sinners know love and show love.
Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Joshua 24:14-18

Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . . But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. —Joshua 24:15

Bible in a Year:
Exodus 4-6; Matthew 14:22-36

I recently saw a commercial for an online game based on Greek mythology. It spoke about armies, mythological gods, heroes, and quests. What got my attention was the description of how to get the game started. You go online to register, choose your god, then build your empire.

Wow! “Choose your god.” Those words, though presented casually in the ad, struck me as being characteristic of one of the most dangerous things about our world. In a game, it may be insignificant what “god” you choose; but in the real world that choice has eternal consequences.

To a generation of Israelites surrounded by the gods of their day, Joshua declared that they must choose their god—but it must not be done in a cavalier way. He set the example as he said, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15).

Today, as in the days of Joshua, there are many options. But there is only one wise choice—the true God. Joshua made the right choice. “We will serve the Lord.”
The gods of this world are empty and vain,They cannot give peace to one’s heart;The living and true One deserves all our love—From Him may we never depart. —D. DeHaan
Nothing can fill the emptiness in your heart except God.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: Ephesians 4:25-32

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. —Ephesians 4:29

Bible in a Year:
Exodus 7-8; Matthew 15:1-20

A while back, an Emmy award-winning actress took a courageous stand and walked out in the middle of the Annual American Music Awards ceremony. Her reason? She grew increasingly upset and disappointed by what she described as “an onslaught of lewd jokes and off-color remarks” and raw and raunchy comments by presenters, performers, and hosts. She said the evening was an affront to anyone with a shred of dignity and self-respect.

Unwholesome speech was a problem even in the apostle Paul’s day. He reminded the Christians at Ephesus that they should put away vulgarity, lewdness, slander, and obscene talk from their lives (Eph. 5:4; Col. 3:8). These were expressions of their old lives (1 Cor. 6:9-11), and it was now out of place with their new identity in Christ. Instead, their lives were to be characterized by wholesome speech. Their good or wholesome words would give grace to the hearers (Eph. 4:29). The Holy Spirit would help guard their speech, convict of any filthy talk, and help them to use words to benefit others (John 16:7-13).

We are called to reflect God with all we are, and that includes our words. May our mouths be filled with thanksgiving and words that benefit others.
Holy Spirit, we need Your help. Guard our heartsand minds today. Help us control our thoughts andwords so that we might lift others up and show themwho You are and what You’ve done in us. Amen.
Wholesome words flow out of a life made new.
Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by Les Lamborn

Read: 1 John 2:5-11

He who says he abides in [Jesus] ought himself also to walk just as He walked. —1 John 2:6

Bible in a Year:
Exodus 9-11; Matthew 15:21-39

During a children’s church service, the teacher talked about the first of the Ten Commandments: “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Ex. 20:3). She suggested some ways for the kids to keep this command. She said, “Nothing should come before God—not candy, not schoolwork, not video games.” She told them that putting God first meant that time with Him reading the Bible and praying should come before anything else.

An older child in the group responded with a thought-provoking question. She asked if being a Christian was about keeping rules or if instead God wanted to be involved in all areas of our life.

Sometimes we make the mistake of viewing the Bible as a list of rules. Certainly obeying God (John 14:21) and spending time with Him are important, but not because we need to be rule-keepers. Jesus and the Father had a loving relationship. When we have a relationship with God, we desire to spend time with Him and obey Him so we can become more like Jesus. John said, “He who says he abides in [Jesus] ought himself also to walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:6). He’s the example we can follow.

When we want to understand how to love, or how to be humble, or how to have faith, or even how to set our priorities, we can look at Jesus and follow His heart.
Lord, as I look ahead to another day, I give myselfto be led by Your Spirit. Give discernment inpriorities, but most of all a sensitive heart to live likeJesus did—filled with Your love and power. Amen.
Jesus calls us to follow Him.