damn rack plug


Microwaving cats since 01
Aug 28, 2006
Well today i tried to get a mack rack plug so when i do my timing next weeki have it. What damnpart number do i use because mack dosent recoginze any that i give them. I ned the number that will cross with mack or should i just order it from bosch. And if so what number do i use.

After i get my plug and here is my thinking.

I will set it to 18* timing, put the rack plug in WITH a washer and loosen up my starwheel and hopefully reach the max rack tralvel i can.

How does it sound?

i somehow knew Smokem would have that PN LOL
Timbeaux38 said:
i somehow knew Smokem would have that PN LOL

Now ask him if he knows where to put the thing....... LOL
Don't know if I would install the washer and the mack rack stop. Might bind the rack. With a 215 pump and the mods you listed should make great power. You can mod the AFC to allow more fuel. I think that will be the limit not the rack stop.

you don't want all the travel you can get with a 215 pump. mine is set up that way right now and i garenteeeeee it hurts performance, and smokes like nothing i have every seen before. i did not do the plug on my dually, just the afc mods and i have all the fuel a hx555 can handle.
What can i gain with this plug. More fuel or the same amount of fuel sooner? Never heard of any roudabout numbers from it.
Smokem said:
Because the way the plunger is designed. If you are curious I tell you, but it will take a while type that much.
i am up for a good reading session if you want to que us in on this info :thankyou2:
i second the above. I am trying to learn everything i can so if you are up for typing i am up for reading. On a side not if the plug isnt worth it on my pump is the washer mod? Also my buddy has a 95 auto is either mod worth it on his truck?

And the other pumps dont have this helix in them so they benefit from more rack travel?
thanks for the info smokem I still can't figure out why I can't break 400rwhp with everything in my sig any thoughts
Thanks smokem. This brings me to a loaded question for you.

Then if rack travel is not the way to go on my pump what other ways would i go about getting more fuel out of my pump without doing DV's, injectors and what not.
I got the afc spring kit i havent touched the gov. arm yet i think that might be the problem i have the stock plate ground down witch i think is another problem i have read the p-7100 pump thread and i am still not sure that m pump is working right
Smokem said:
Make sure you are getting all the rack travel you can get with the stock plug. Then you may look into other options, but larger injectors will be the best contributor to hp increase.

And how do i go about doing that?

Yeah, i think your problem lies in you pump itself, its more probably a free fix (tune) sounds like you need to upper your gov arm, it doesnt hurt anyway! (but might help) to me it sounds like your rig should be into the 600's HP, you have all the good mods, but your pump isnt giving out the fuel its capable of!

what plat profile do you run? a 0? a 100 with a short hook?

i preferably make 100 plates with a long hook, as long as posseble, so the arm wont ride under the plate, even thought, on some 215's i had to adjust that!

on one of my 215's, the arm hit the plate, but it still defueled, just uppered the gov arm, just to see what it'd do, and it gained me around 100 hp in the seat of pants.
Also check you fuel pressure at wot! mine curently drops to cero! and it looses power!
Smokem said:
Well we dynoed one of my little project trucks today, spot on 400hp with a failing lift pump and weak overflow valve. The truck is a '95 5spd with 022 delivery valves, 2095 rack plug, #0 plate, and modified AFC. Here is the interesting part, this truck runs stock injectors, and an HX35 with an 18.5cm non-gated housing. Who says you can't make power with the little pumps?

i think i need to come pay you a visit down in iowa.... i just couldnt believe i only made 453 today.... i suppose it wouldnt hurt to grind down a zero plate and possibly get some different delivery valves but it just didnt seem right to me... maybe i am wrong though
Smokem said:
A little tuning, and a 2095 rack plug would go along way. What is your current max boost pressure and max EGT's?

i make 50 psi - give or take a few and i can put the EGT's straight into the ground if i would like..... it just keeps going around and around.

me and ben are going to grind the afc a little and try to locate a plate i can grind into a zero, i really dont want to take my 6 plate into a zero. then we are going to head back up to the dyno this early spring, the guy said he would cut us a good deal

you dont happen to know of a plate laying around for sale do ya?