Death of the 6.0


Just about broke
Jun 18, 2006
What kind of catastrophic failures are out there on 6.0s? I know there have been a few reports of windowed blocks, but how many people have experienced a terminal failure of their 6.0? Any ideas of why it failed? What mods were you running? I haven't blown one up yet (except for lifting the heads), just preparing for the future. Thanks
Rods at around 700 hp

low pressure oil pump at 4500 rpms

EGR and EGR cooler causing coolant to boil at around 1500 degrees up to well, how hot do you want to take it

Transmissions at around 450 hp to 500 if you drive nice

Head gaskets -- varies but egt's play a big roll, lots of boost (45 or higher) play a roll, EGR causing coolant to boil over cause a big roll, and back pressure.
well rich, kinda killed his with stock rods i believe, so he never tried any other rods, seeing as his block had a hole in it. LOL
Had a LPOP take out an entire engine. Ate the front cover sending metal debris all through the engine which blew a hole in the oil filter and then made it all the way to the injectors.
I didn't think you had aftermarket rods. Too bad because we really need all the high hp 6.0's we can get.
hpprose said:
I didn't think you had aftermarket rods. Too bad because we really need all the high hp 6.0's we can get.

I'm working on it. :rockwoot: :cheer:
I want to see more high HP 6.0s. Too bad too many are scared and dont have $25,000 to drop into one.