Delivery valves - 131, 181, 191, full cuts, comparison picture attached

Good evening from Finland again (11:15PM). Got the 181 seats in with 131dvs. Not much difference in performance. A little more smoke and a little sharper low end, all the other tuned functions as they were.

Did up this though;
Installed the seats upside down the first time (=a true rookie), was looking a wrong feature of the seat and rpeated the operation to put them the way they should be BUT what made me wonder when I went for a testdrive was that when the seats were upside down in their places then the bottom end was crap (=practically no idle and sluggish) but high end seemed to have REALLY good power. ??? WOOOT?

A thought from this; what if the seatdv profile would be a doublecone, narrowest in the middle and tapered on BOTH ends? Or what if the seat barrel would not have cone shape at al but the dv cuts were "deeper" gradually when looking down from the shoulder side? Is this usual stuff for you or every nutcase dieselhead or fresh thoughts? Or dead thoughts?

Mack plug is in but since it's 11:15 PM here and it's snowing outside I decided to postpone the AFC mods for tomorrow to take the Mack plug into full use.
Sorry that I sort of like tresspassed this thread. You gentlemen just sound to have so much knowledge about the subject that I just had to ask.
wow, thats a lot to take in but i feel like i understand DV's and holders quite a bit better than before. i will surely read it again to make sure it all goes together.

Anybody come across 167 delivery valves?
Mine was an untampered truck when I got it and the paint on every piece was intact. Those 167s were in there and not 131s.

Well, the combo is now 167dvs and 181 seats. Works really well.
Is the DV in the pic from a P7100? I have a P3000 on the shelf and it has a very similar setup, but the DV seat looks like a 131 style, not like the one in your picture. The holders are larger where they thread into the barrel also, so they will not interchange with the Dodge P7100. I also have a pump off of a Mack on the way, I am curious to see what it is setup like.