

kwick canuck
Aug 8, 2006
I have just recieved info on to major tracks here in Western Canada going to 11:99 or quicker diaper's mandatory. Who is manufacturing both SFI or just diaper's for our diesel's ( no monkey fits iether):tree:
I have just recieved info on to major tracks here in Western Canada going to 11:99 or quicker diaper's mandatory. Who is manufacturing both SFI or just diaper's for our diesel's ( no monkey fits iether):tree:

Talk to Charlie or Alex at Dr Performance - they were making some!
yes give us a call here at the shop the diapers are custom made for the 5.9. We are currently running them on both of our trucks and also the dragster, Dan Schieds has one on his rail as well.


Ask for Mike
yes , this would be the place to get them , we have in comp had to run them for a while, and now NHRA and even small tracks are requiring them, it's come, now sooner then later .
their reason's are fair and legit. but since the weekend of meetings both tracks have backed off slightly they are only going to enforce as per NHRA/IHRA class rules, but if you oil down the surface it is a automatic $500. fine.
yes give us a call here at the shop the diapers are custom made for the 5.9. We are currently running them on both of our trucks and also the dragster, Dan Schieds has one on his rail as well.


Ask for Mike
PM me a price, I won't have phone service until next week. Thanks!
I would like a PM on that also please,, looks like I will need it too

I think 11.99 is a pretty harsh limit, considering how many street vehicles run in the 11's these days. You could be required to have a diaper but not even need a rollbar! Glad to hear they reconsidered. That $500 fine will have me thinking twice about which tracks I run!

Michael Pliska
The only thing found searching the web is a V8 version for $239. Is this one priced ~$250?
One of the guys that I race with makes Diapers, I could see what he would charge if you guys want?
I am going over the minimum order with them now, are guys wanting the SFI or Non-SFI, you don't need SFI to be legal. Obviously non-SFI will be cheaper. We figure they will be around $200-$245 if I get 10 guys in on the deal.