Diesel Community Charities


Crew Chief
Sep 10, 2007
One of my good friends operates a charitable organization that collects donations from passersby to give to local charities - unlike most others, 100% of the donations are given to charities. Funding for the activity comes solely from corporate sponsorships.

The website, TTOGG, explains it better.

Anyway, the model is based on folks giving back to their community by lending a helping hand to those who need it - all of us have been (or will be) there sooner or later.

We in the Diesel Community share a passion that uses much of our resources, so I can see a powerful synergy between DFC, TTOGG & the Diesel World.

Where does the diesel community help those of us who need it in an organized fashion?

Sponsorships won't be a problem.
Events are multiplying every year.
Basically, everyone who shows up at a race, hook, dyno or show by definition has disposable income, so donations are a no-brainer...

So where should the giving go?
DFC, though fledgeling, is in a key position to run with this and impact untold numbers of people with the message:

Christians can be cool, have lots of fun and help you because Jesus loved us first.
What a great way to glorify GOD!

Let's persue this, and get a DFC/TTOGG tent at every event... let's take the vision of Racers For Christ and carry it further by showing what our Lord can do with #2!
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Second that. More than happy to support. Lets get some banners made and see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!