Diesel Performance TV

I read this thread laughing, because I just proposed this whole idea to a bunch of guys at the shop the other night.
Someone with some camera skills and another that has alot of knowledge of the sport and a passion for black smoke to host.
Make a 1.5 hour long video of as many truck pulls, from the biggest events to a few small town smoke shows. Then get some good shots of say...Maddog Madison, Mills, and the countless others as they make the rollers scream for mercy on the dyno.
Send the film off to be proffesionaly edited so it all looks good and sell the DVD's at all the events the next year while filming the next one.
It may not make someone a millionaire, but they could make a living.
I know I'd buy one every year, hell I might even stand in line all night like some Star Wars freak just to get ahold of it as quickly as possible.
Just a thought that I will never act on, but hopefully someone else will.
Royalties please!
roskoe115 said:
ill second that!!!
if people actually bought the dukes of hazzard and they were able to get willie nelson and jessica simpson and johnny knoxville in that movie, with JESSICA in a bikini, then they should be able to make a diesel movie..... :D
imelmo said:
What show does it come on and when is it coming on again? I keep missing it.
Sorry, Danny. I'm headed to Houston today (at the airport right now) so I'll have to check when I get back (1/2)... Here's what I was able to grab from their website. LINK
On The Edge was pretty cool. It was cool seeing some of the guys from the boards and others that we hear about, on TV. Good stuff. And lots of smoke. I still think a show would go over real well. They mentioned how many people were into it. Time will tell... Hopefully the aftermarket can keep up with the new vehicles to keep it interesting. Maybe the aftermarket will come out with some new trick kits, that will allow us to drop a wrench into the engine compartment and it will actually hit the floor. Or maybe a kit that will allow us to get a wrench on something... That would be cool as $h!#. Yah... Sanitation kits. The wave of the future.
i was searching on my TV and "on the EDGE" on speed channel 150 for us dish guys its cogmin on again the diesel drag races from its original air date from 12-29-07....just incase you guys missed it like i did! oh yea it will be on saterday feb. 9 at 8pm....
Jcummins said:
Someone with some camera skills and another that has alot of knowledge of the sport and a passion for black smoke to host.

I would be more than happy to host this, but I dont know enough folks and don't go to enough events LOL
I saw that "on the edge" show from Houston and thought it was poorly done. Unless they are saving the sled pulling footage and in depth stuff they shot for something else I was very dissapointed.
I was Just watching Lawn mower racing on SPEED with better coverage......TRAVISTY!!!
Get Stacy Daivd to host and Ill watch it!!!! And Life on the Edge does show a pull that is auctually prety good. Love all the camara work and they show some nice trucks. Just too bad they dont make another one.

hell yea i second that stacy david knew his **** the guys on trucks now arent to bad but all they ever do is low rider and stuff but xtreme 4X4 is awesome the chick that jesse i think it is shes hot and knows alot about trucks i think or its an act i dont care i think she is hot lol