Division 4 Finals Gainesville Raceway Nov 22, 2008

Twisted Shifter

New member
Jun 28, 2006
Sounds good. I will be getting the hotel sometime this week. Do we want to try and get back in the one we had before?
I don't know, the parkin' lot was a little... ummmm... busy... yea, that's a good word for it.

Any other suggestions?
hey klincoln I will try and make it to the race give me a call this is kenny with the blue 01. I met u at orlando speed world.
well I just called around and found some places that are willing to give group rates. I need to call them back Monday and talk to the sales Mgr. If you find something you like let me know and I will talk to them. BTW I hope ya'll know the weekend we are going to be there will a home game weekend so the hotels will have high rates and slim pickens.
How about since we got rained out in Gainesville the 1st time,can we finish the heads up super street final????I'm sure Matt would be up for that!!!Points might be needed for some!!!!
How about since we got rained out in Gainesville the 1st time,can we finish the heads up super street final????I'm sure Matt would be up for that!!!Points might be needed for some!!!!

Unfortunately no. If you look at the points rules, once eliminations start, its an event. If its called for rain the points count for completed rounds run.
Yes we have division payouts. I cant find my list right now. I will get it tomorrow and post something.
The chance to call yourself the best overall this season. You will recieve a little cash for your place and for contingency, but that is not all. Think of it as a way to market yourself for future seasons. Why pay for parts when some one else will pay for them with sponsorships.