Divorced Twins on a 6.0


There's no love in diesel
Oct 11, 2008
What's the best turbo to use on a divorced twin turbo set up?
I have two he351cw turbos available. With 60mm comp and 9cm exhaust housing I think it should be alright.

So far my 6.0 build is going good. The lower rotating assembly is done. Just waiting to send heads out fir porting. No fire rings. Also running dual fuel system. One stock fuel pump
per bank with regulated return. Oil cooler delete aswell. I wanna shoot for 700hp fuel only. 900hp on spray. May not achieve that but I wanna get in that area.
Nobody really knows what the best turbo would be. Not even sure if it has been done. You do realize that a 60mm for 4 clyinders is ALOT of turbo right?
Also, why a "dual fuel system"?

Stock fuel pump isnt gonna keep up no matter what you do if you want 700hp...

How big of injectors are you planning on using?
60mm is gunna be LAGGY. I'm doing a cfm requirement formula and looks Like 50-51mm is gumna be good.

I plan on using 180mm from River City aswell.

And dual 7.3 high pressure pumps should fuel it. 3/8" fittings might hold me back tho. But one pump for 4 injectors should keep up.
Why not go with an AirDogII? Much simpler, and much more reliable.

Why do you think the 7.3 pumps are so good?
I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade. Until someone tries this, we won’t know for sure if it will or won’t work.

In our opinion and from what we have seen, the 6.0 Power Stroke engine isn’t designed for divorced twins. The concept behind divorced twins is that they can flow twice as much volume (CFM) at a lower pressure.

The 6.0’s head design doesn’t allow for enough porting to increase the flow enough to make this concept work. The Duramax heads and 24 valve heads lend themselves very well to divorced twins.

Like 12 valve engines, the 6.0’s need pressure go get the flow into the cylinders. We would recommend using compounds to achieve this.

That being said, this thread is about putting Divorced Twins on a 6.0. So, if we run the calculations you will need roughly 65 pounds of boost in Houston and between 60 and 80 lbs per minute (clean vs dirty). Divide the flow by two and you are looking roughly at a charger that can flow 30 to 40 lbs per minute at 65 psi to get you to 700 on #2.

So, we would recommend two 56mm compressors with a .55 a/r turbine housing.

As far as fuel, according to our math (real world hasn’t been testing) you will need injectors close to 250 cc’s fully max out to lay down 900hp on spray. That means you need every ounce of power they can produce. You would be better off with something a little larger to give you a little room for error since it is extremely difficult to get 100% out of an injector.
If it don't work, boo hoo. If it does I'll be exstatic. I like doing the undone. All I can do is try and hope for the best.
I agree. That's why we ran the numbers for you and plotted a few compressor maps to help you out.

If you get it to work, then big kodos to you! Let us know if we can help you with anything.
Someone once asked me if parallel twins was ever a good idea on a car. I told them to look at porsche. Duh! Parallel VGT.
And 1 turbo is $5000 on them too. Literally looks like my S475 chit it out, or gave birth too it.

Is this the 6.0 that had a 5k budget on stock rods?