Dt 466??


New member
Aug 2, 2006
Whats a dt 466 coupled to a spicer 5 speed worth ruffly? Inline pump setup, milage im not shure off top of my head but under 200k. Ill get better details one of these days (hp, mi, ect.) but im just lookin for a ball park figure to see if its worth yanking them and trying to sell.
A big lifter/Roller rocker DT will sell like hot cakes around here.....Always tractor guys looking for them!!!

But that price sounds right around in the ball park to the rights buyer(s)
Im gonna try and get some info on them sat, been to busy this week.
My coworker sold a cab and chassis with a 466 and 5 speed for 2800. It had 187,000 miles.

Another used engine dealer here said he gets between 2 and 3 thousand for a good used engine.