dummy help on updating v2

I was trying to read the stock file.

I'm in need of a new reflash. Hopefully getting one tomorrow
What I meant was are you trying to read it with just the V2 or with V2 in conjunction (connected) with the laptop. BBR AKA Black Box Read AKA trying to read your ECM with just the V2 doesn't always work (never in my case), hence my question.

You can flash a stock tune file from here>Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together - EFI Live Files - Cummins EFI Live Files then read it if you wish...

A dealer reflash is good thing, but I don't that's your problem presently.
I take it back Tan, I didn't realize the latest Smarty update renders the ECM unreadable.
Well thought I had... Got a new flash from dealer and still get the code $11. Awesome!
We've been dealing with Tan70 via email and hope we can provide an update to this thread tomorrow.

Thanks Paul for the new file..
Also thank you for everyone who helped and tried to get me goin... Just somethings you dont have control over, until now. ;)

Works perfect. :Cheer:
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Glad we got you sorted.

For the benefit of those following this thread, Tan went to the dealer and got a reflash and still had his error.

We compiled a stock file for him and he flashed that and it worked.

The only logical explanation is that dealer didn't return the vehicle to stock.

That is what i am thinking too Cindy. I told them I wanted a completely new stock file flash. But was still recieving the same error in the same order and same time.

Thanks again EFI Support for the awesome customer support and to everyone else who has tried to help me get goin.