E.D. s469


New member
Sep 5, 2006
Just got it back from ed with a clean bill of health. It is a standard cover with 74/83 turbine wheel. The turbine housing is a custom piece to help with spool. 1200


Haha I like a little hot sauce with my turbos. Glws. I love mine enough that if I had the money, I would buy yours just for the he'll of it.
It's a t4 exhaust. .9 housing. My old charger, I love it. Why you selling it ? I might want to buy it back
It's t4 and actually it's a 0.83 housing. If ya check out the pic of the exhaust housing ya can see where it was welded togeather.
Wow well guess I never payed attention to that other than seeing the weld. I will see what I can do to get the cash around
Yes I was. It spools decent for the size to be honest. Amazing turbo on the street but don't want to tow or expect much below 2k