EFI Live question


Nailed It!
Nov 29, 2006
How do I get started?

I know that there are probably a few threads on this, but I have limited internet time out here to be doing searches on it.

I need the software (the new 6.7 is Version 8 correct?), buy the tuner, and write tunes on my computer, correct?
Swole, Chill the F*ck out, I got this...


No but seriously, I am going to write a tune or two while I'm out here, and put them on my truck, just so I don't have to start from scratch when I get home. Time management.
You will need to download the latest V7 and V8 software from our website. With limited internet time this may be difficult for you - they are big files.

When you purchase FlashScan, it will come with a CD containing the software - but it will be out of date (we only released the software less than 24 hours ago). If internet is so limited, you could perhaps ask the dealer you purchase FlashScan through to download the new release for you (just a thought)

Once you get FlashScan, you'll need to upgrade the firmware and bootblock for the new release too. The instructions are included in the V8 software install so you won't need internet to do that.

Then you should download the Cummins Quick Start guide. From memory, this may be in the documents section of our software, so again no internet, but if it's not, you'll find it under the tutorials section of our website. Documentation / Tutorials

Give us a call in the morning, we can talk about exactly what you need and get you pricing on getting the equipment and some base files to work with. 423-506-7427
I have found the internet!!! Still slow, but i can download stuff on it. I also fixed my computer, like an idiot, I disabled the wireless card on it when i first got out here. I was doing everything on my phone until now...
Like a tuner = person? Or Tuner = xrt/smarty
Person/company, like Les Szmidt of Silver Bullet tuning, Rob Coddens of Adrenaline Truck Performance, Rich of Dog House Diesel, Brayden of Fleece performance, Nick Pregnitz of CumminsTuner.com and DuramaxTuner.com to name a few. Hopefully I didn't spell any names wrong.
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One more thing, I will have to Download a stock 6.7 Tune since I dont have my truck or the scan tool, and modify it, right? or do i just use the software that i am currently downloading to make a tune?
Well, The Internet only lasts for 30 minutes at a time, so I am unable to download the software. I guess I'll have to wait until I get home.
ok, i used a different method, and now I have UNLIMITED INTERNETZ!!!

Downloading V7 & V8 Time now...

Do I have to have a Stock dodge tune to start off with? or does the software have one on it?
They just put a stock file on there. But you won't be able to do anything other than play with it. Your file is vin sensitive to your truck. So you need to read that file first, then mod that one..

Atleast until they give us the ability to change the vin, etc. on the files...