EFILive RC10 Software update Mar 11 2012

Has the development schedule for the 10-12 been ironed out yet, or still to early to say?

(I hope 10-12 is still next in line, can't wait to ditch the H&S and use all the cool EFI goodies I have on the shelf.)

Won't be determined till the next public release. Which Cindy has said will be pretty quick.

After that they are gonna try the TCM again. Then determine which one is easier between the 03-05 & 10-12's...
Hopefully 03/05. Pulling season is coming around fast. Regardless I tuned my first deleted 6.7 last night. Everything went very good without any issues. Just did a very basic mild tune and will data log and fine tune Sunday. Great job on this new release team. Your support is much appreciated
Well I guess it's far better to have developers and a team of beta testers committed to delivering 'the perfect product' in the eyes of the end user, than deliver some half baked job and say - 'well there's your lot, go make that square peg fit in that round hole"


I was referring to the "teaser" part of it, unless I missed where you stated what this new development is? :Cheer:
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Well I guess it's far better to have developers and a team of beta testers committed to delivering 'the perfect product' in the eyes of the end user, than deliver some half baked job and say - 'well there's your lot, go make that square peg fit in that round hole'

We had some development problems with the TCM, now that the public release is just days away, we'll revisit it, and if it's an 'easy win' we will revisit support, if we continue to bang our heads against a brick wall, we'll put it to one side and move on to the next project and come back to it at a later stage.


Fingers crossed on the development of the 68rfe. I hope all works out for the best. This would be a great tool. :Cheer: