Engine controller and vp44 PSG dissection


New member
Jun 26, 2008
For those of you not on the other forums floating around out there, I have a couple of projects ongoing that involve the ISB engine controller and the vp44. If you're into computers or electronics, or just interested in what makes these things tick, I have set up a project page at http://vs18k.dyndns.org/cecu/Dodge_Cummins_ECU.html

My 'day job' is computer programming, in my spare time I like to solder up electronic stuff and work on diesels.
"Sprinkle cheddar cheese" LOL LOL LOL LOL

Looks like some good info there, methinks a bookmark will be in order.
Very imformitive...Ill be keeping an eye on this one

Where is Bob and Marco???????LOL
Very nice. I'm not a fan of cheddar, but I'm sure mozzarella wouldn't be bad either. Thanks for the post ISB hack. Thanks for the heads up Highfinance.
Why not look at re-programming the VP44 FPCM so we can get full fuel to 4000 RPM!!!

One thing at a time! Let's get the maps in the engine controller extended past 4000 RPM, and remove the hard-coded 3500 RPM stuff in it first - then, if we can't fuel 100% to 4000, the vp44 can be looked into. Although I'd like to reprogram the vp44 anyway so I don't need a wire tap...
If this is the same guy from cumminsforum then trust me, he knows what he's doing.
LOL, dude you have a P Pump now!!!!

Shouldnt matter.. i want to see about erasing all refrences to the injection pump out of the ecm. i just want to know if it is possible and if they would be willing to try it.

Im guessiung Bob is upset that i didnt buy a smarty for the vp44 before i gave up on it.

PS 4000k rpm like nobody's Bizzness and lovin every minute of it.
lol..oh yeah...just heat it to about 400F

I so need a ride in your truck!!!! I need to see how it runs before I make the plunge for a P pump....

I will be home weekend after next!!