entry level class

Any of you guys remember the "pace" tractors? A good old boy would ride a garden tractor out in front of the puller, with red, yellow, greenlights on it.

I was maybe 8-10 and looked at my Dad, and said, "That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.":banned:

One of the local tractor pulling associations used to have a pace tractor (before they got a horn on the boat....over 6mph, horn blasts...blow the horn again, you're done)

The problem with the "pace tractor" was this...He'd take off when the green flag waved....So, most of us sat and watched him tool down the track...when he got to the 250ft mark or so, we'd take off...:hehe:

At another pull I was in, for whatever reason the pace tractor wouldn't go all the way down the track. He'd turn around somewhere around 250' or so. This guy would actually pace you and wouldn't take off until you did. So, I just rode his little flag until he turned off the track, opened the throttle the rest of the way and went at my own pace..:D
Here are some rules listed for 2008, Kat you should fit right in:

28. A pace tractor may be used operating at **3mph** in classes in 7500# and 9500#, 5mph for 11000#,13000#. Pace tractor driver will start even with center of front wheel and not go any further than that point during the pull. If puller passes driver of the, shoulder to shoulder method, puller will be disqualified.

29. There will be a 3000-rpm limit on all classes.

Damm you are realy bored today aren't you.

The entry level class can be pretty simple. The rules in most places (DHRA) (NADM) are good the way they are or the only change could just be call it a 2.5 class. Then simply tech. The pulls that dont tech is what ruins the entry class. You take the money out of the entry class and put it in the bigger class, 2.6 and 3.0 and its fine. Not every truck in the class needs teched either. Just tell everyone up front that top 3 will sit at the end of the track until that class is over then they get teched. Teching the top 3 or top 2 trucks isnt that bad. Maybe others have other opinions?
In our club we look ever every truck before they get to hook. Then I can see if something isn't safe before hand. If I need to check something again later I do before the money is mailed out.