Episode #4 of Diesel TV

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jojqh0313Sw&feature=em-uploademail-new"]Episode 4 of Diesel Tv has complete coverage of the Canadian Diesel Shootout on Fox Sport Net - YouTube[/ame]
I'll try to sit down and watch it this evening.
Hope all is well.

This is just the teaser. The episode airs Thursday and it should be on dieseltv.com somewhere around Oct. 1
Can't wait! Finally something on TV that interests me besides Family Guy!
Big Don tucks his ears in his hat. I think that's funny, but I'll still tune in.
Wow, you guys really stepped it up. Camera angles/quality and flow is 100% better than the last one. The bar I was at didn't have sound, so I can't comment on that. Great to see you guys stepping it up each and everytime. World finals coverage will be sweet I'm sure after seeing this.
Much, much better. Lot's more racing, and the interviews seemed a lot more comfortable. Randy even got Ken's last name correct once :D
Super show! The hard work is paying off. Better flow, more racing, good mix of interviews. Finals will be spot on!!!
Direct TV here in texas had some high school football show run into the shows timeslot, only got to see maybe half of it. Is it re-airing sometime?
Direct TV here in texas had some high school football show run into the shows timeslot, only got to see maybe half of it. Is it re-airing sometime?

I was taping that channel and only saw half of it as well. The interviews with Big Don were done after the Billing Race two weeks after. I was half in bag drinking Gibson's when they said I had to do an interview. Note they don't show much of me. Best part of the interview they didn't use. I mentioned Verlon was so hard to beat because he is a Mormon and therefore had god on his side. :D :badidea:
The show keeps getting better. Learning from past mistakes...help with improving future episodes!!