eric the red -BAD SELLER


New member
May 18, 2006
Bought a truck from him almost 30days ago off here, truck was not at all what was described when it was delivered (said to have 240hp FBD injectors- it did not they were stock. adrenaline box did not work, countless other things) and we had an agreement (in writing) that at our agreed price i would also get all the stock parts, including a new PDI manifold that he just happen to forget at home. he wont respond to any calls, texts, emails, or letters sent USPS. cost me $2000 to put the truck back to the condition he advertised it in (in his for sale ad and on the phone) and thats was only going with 150hp sticks. have it all in writing will be taking legal action for violating the sales contract just figured I would give everyone on here a heads up. needless to say i got :eek:wned: on this deal, now im pissed everytime i look at the truck. definatly left a bad taste in my mouth
no we agreed, did the paper work all that and he brought it down from KS. It was during my work day so I only had about 20min to look everything over and finish the paperwork. I will be the first one to admit i should have looked it over better and drove it a little harder (im always very respectfull of other people things especially when they are in the passenger seat lol) I didnt even turn it past level 2. and that is a lesson learned now, the hard way. I kinda put aside the things that were wrong that i didnt notice during inspection i should have taken more time. but it really makes me mad that he didnt atleast stand by his word and send me the parts he promised
whats his name and wheres he from in KS? maybe i can help
I really appreciate it but im not sure if i can post all that,(legally) i want my stuff more than anyone but I dont wanna get in any legal pinch for disclosing anyones personal info. hes from junction city, ks and is stationed at fort riley as far as I know. mailed a formal letter to both addresses he gave me as well as his fathers address since the loan was listed in his name