Evnets in Texas, OK, NM????


Joe Nobody!
Apr 21, 2006
Events in Texas, OK, NM????

All the races seem to be either west coast or east coast. There is a huge presence of Diesel guys here in the South central, anyone planning a race this year. I know NHRDA did a race early in the year, and it was COOOOOLD. Just curious why the lack of interest in this part of the world.
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Its not for lack of interest, more like lack of time and money. We have 31 events scattered all over North America. We had events this year in TX,LA,AZ,KS. Next year I think we are planning a few more in "South Central", but it comes down to having the manpower to pull them all off. It takes weeks-months of planning to put together a good event and when you have an event almost every other weekend, it makes it hard......
I will volunteer my time to get another "world finals" back in Texas!

I still think CompD needs to do a Texas race. I know joe David and mike do a monthly g2g but not many show.

If anyone wants to put on a big evnent in Texas and lacks volunteers let me know
Look at it from a promoters view.
We are doing a 1st Friday of the month race (except this month 2nd Friday).
We are having fun but Bus is right few are coming out.
How are you expecting a promoter to put on a race in this area when we can't get a good turnout from you guys?
Myself, David and Joe talked about putting on an event in Houston. We thought it would be a good idea to start this Friday thing to see what the response would be.
I will say I'm glad we did because we would have lost our shirts if we had put ourselves out to the tune of 10's of thousands of dollars and few showed up.
You have to crawl before you can walk, so far we are barely crawling.
We have no intentions of giving up anytime soon but if you want to attract a promoter you might want to think about your commitment to the sport.

michael I think a planned well advertised Octoberish race would do much better than a monthly deal promoted in one thread on one site. I think with the connections y'all have and davies deep pockets y'all could put on one hell of a race!
i would help spread the word, you get enough people talking about it, it will be good sized. I know a 1 time event will be much bigger than a monthly deal, because if you miss one month you just say, ohh well i will go next month. Whereas you know everybody is all going to show up, because its a one time thing. I agree, October is the perfect time for a big event is Texas.
Ok, I think I've got it now.
So we should stop having the once a month event as it's "no big deal" and we should all sit at home and "hope" someone will come along and put together a big event.
Have I got this straight?? Please enlighten me as to how this will help.
I'm all ears.

As opposed to lots of people showing up at the monthly thing as if to say. Hey, we have lots of racers here lets have a big event once a year to compliment the monthly thing.

But I think you guys are on the right track with the sit at home idea.
No sense in coming out to the track on Friday and hanging out with some of the fastest guys in Texas (Joe Hellmann, David Lott, Myself) and talking smack and seeing some fast runs.

I hear Eric is running in the 11's with his Duramax and who knows who else might show up.


Too Dalpilot: It was nice to meet you in Dallas. I wish I had more time to spend with you but I was trying to get my licensing passes done.
I hope you bring that little black toy down and race me some time :)
Just another reason to build a pulling truck. I pulled in 2 differant places this weekend.

Since you all dont like to do the real drag race thing (1/4 mile), Kennadale
(1/8 mile) has races every weekend. Its not a diesel only, but if everyone would show up they might set up a diesel class.

And maybe everyone missed this but DR. P, ODRA, NADM are have a diesel only race this saturday at kennadale... But like always everyone has an excuse and cant make it...

Dalpilot your on here asking for a race in this area, but you cant make the ones we do have.

Maybe since drag racers are such pu$$ys you could all post up the days you have available and someone could come up with a race that would work around your schedule.
This was not posted to be an a$$ but the lack of interest is not with the people putting on the events its the lack of interest by the racers that will not show up at the events they do put on.
Who said we want to sit at home? The only reason I ahvnt made it the last few months is because of a broken truck. But people wont take an every month drag race as serious as a once/ twice a year with all the big dogs there. time are tough right now and I know I cant afford to come down to baytown every month and spend like 70 bucks in diesel and like 35-40 to get in after I pay for me and my gf. I know yall dont control that but thats as much as I paid at dhra last year and I was guaranteed to see some fast stuff and big shot sled pullers and met people from all over. no offense guys but I can only look at davids mug so many times a night! lol. I had fun the first couple of times yall had the first friday event at hmp, and I know I'll have fun next month when I get down to Baytown, but I really enjoy the Big raes where you get to see all the friends youve met over the years. All I can say is keep doing what you are doing and it will start getting bigger. I know im gonna try and get all of my buddies to come down next month, but its easier to convince them to come down when they know more than 5-6 trucks are gonna be there.
I plan on making several of the Friday night races once, (IF) i ever get it done. LOL I understand not wanting to commit as individuals, but organizations seem to commit to races in other parts of the country and they are pulled off. I was just wondering why the aversion to the south central.

It was damn good meeting you too. Had it not been -15 outside I would have hung around a little longer.
This Thread has taken a hard right and not in the funny or taco direction more negative than anything. I'll agree with most. Once a year will be looked at better than a once a month. The main reason I say that is due to how are the Travelers like Scheid, TS, Stucky, Banks, and Garmon going to know what weekend is good to pick to have a big turn out? A once a year race makes that easier. Full Pull, I know you said you post wasn't meaning to be an ass. Next time, proof read it so it doesn't sound that way if it isn't intended to be. Not all of us are bad ass enough to be sled pullers but hey some of us like to go fast sorry. This is just my $.02 I think the NHRDA did a very good job this year in Ennis even though the conditions where not favorable. My hat is off your group and thank you for coming to Texas :clap:.
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ODRA host several events in North Texas events every year. Sled pulls, drag races and dyno events. The issue with Texas is that it is a lot easier for a group to get a event at a 1/8th mile track than it is at a quarter mile track. 1/8th mile tracks are plentiful in the north Texas region and on 1 quarter mile track which is Ennis and many racers want to race 1/4 mile and not 1/8th mile.

That being said it is hard for a organization like ODRA to host a large events at a quarter mile track. I have heard that many of the big name drag racers want "show up money" meaning they want to get paid whether they win or not, it is understandable to want a decent size payout or some money to help cover the expenses it is just hard for a smaller organization to front that kind of money.

DHRA's Baytown event grew and grew every year and it is sad to see that race go. The event had the possibility to become something huge however we all know where Eric Mcbride went.
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it was somethinghuge, just not last year. the year before had all the big dogs
as it has been said, the sport is still very young. Diesel performance has been around 10 years? The NHRA is almost 60 years old. Unfortunately we live in an instant gratification society, but this one will take time no matter how much we all want it to happen tomorrow.

I encourage people all the time to do just like Joe, David, and Michael are doing. Build the local group, get everyone together once a month at a local track and build the sport. Every time you get 15-20 trucks at a track, you will convert somebody that had no idea you could do such a thing with a diesel truck.

All in due time.
who all is going to kennadale saturday? i will be there along with 5 or 6 of my buddies.