External wastegate sizing?

E.D. has them in 40, 50 and 60mm size gates and plates available for all the size flanges including your T4 manifold.

That is the setup I am going to run. A single 50mm and it will gate both side of the divider.

I was very happy with the TurboSmart gates that i ran on my truck. A bigger single will be perfect for your truck. You will want a 44mm to a 50mm. Remember you are trying to flow through area. Area= pi*r^2. As your radius increases, that value is squared. R=25mm^2 = 625*pi = 1962.5mm^2 vs. 2*R=12.5^2 = 312.5*pi = 981.25mm^2.

As you can see, a 50mm gate has twice as much area as two 25mm gates together.
At your level go with the E.D. gate setup, the only reason you would need two gates is if you were trying to get allot of air out of the motor.

What is the total area of the vent ports in your spacer?
^it's probably not as much as the actual gate cross-section. I was thinking about that last night while laying in bed.

Aint got no money, but I dont have to pay to dream:hehe: