Face book page to run the SDX out of Terra Haute

I want to join and tell them to stfu, don't want to give them another number.
look at their member list looks like a bunch of kids. I think they deleted post put up by Dennis and Sheila guess they didnt like the truth
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That sad thing about this is that the voice of a few that don't like it can ruin it for all of us. I mean look at what happened in the last presidential election.
I like this comment someone put. "why dont YOU leave instead"

Scheid Diesel brings Terre Haute SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MONEY!
Some of these idiots are doing the stupid stuff to get on youtube. Report the videos to youtube as dangerous behavior, especially the ones with drunks climbing buildings. Then make the event dry.
I love how they classified everybody as rednecks within the first few page comments. If you have a diesel you're and inbred redneck evidently:bang.
I love how they classified everybody as rednecks within the first few page comments. If you have a diesel you're and inbred redneck evidently:bang.

What is funny is I spent 4 years in that town, and they are calling folks rednecks.

Terre Haute isn't a bad town, but one thing I saw is they didn't like outside folks coming into their town. The college I went to went through a dramatic change while I was attending. The local folks on the board fought the change. They wanted the college to be a small college for a small town, didn't want it to become a big school.
I agree that the burnouts and street racing need to stop. But the dang cops were encouraging some of it! Saw a 4500 kodak doing donuts and the cops were just watching him. That was stupid!
the afterparty burnout vids on youtube dont help anything. any ol beater with a chip can do a brakestand so who cares!!!!! these tards are giving the bad name for the rest of us.
What is funny is I spent 4 years in that town, and they are calling folks rednecks.

Terre Haute isn't a bad town, but one thing I saw is they didn't like outside folks coming into their town. The college I went to went through a dramatic change while I was attending. The local folks on the board fought the change. They wanted the college to be a small college for a small town, didn't want it to become a big school.

Wonder if they know how much money the town makes when the event is going on? We have maybe 3 or 4 rod runs a year here, yeah things can get out of hand but we make a ton of money. Tourism isn't a bad business if you can deal with the client.
Wonder if they know how much money the town makes when the event is going on? We have maybe 3 or 4 rod runs a year here, yeah things can get out of hand but we make a ton of money. Tourism isn't a bad business if you can deal with the client.

Who makes the money? It is the business owners, restaurants, hotels, not the general population. It is a college town, yes I am sure it brings in lots of money for the community.
Who makes the money? It is the business owners, restaurants, hotels, not the general population. It is a college town, yes I am sure it brings in lots of money for the community.

I've always seen it as if the community in general is making money then everybody benefits. More businesses opening creating more jobs. The town having more money to spend on stuff like parks and whatnot. But with it being a college town I see what you mean.
I've always seen it as if the community in general is making money then everybody benefits. More businesses opening creating more jobs. The town having more money to spend on stuff like parks and whatnot. But with it being a college town I see what you mean.

Yea, and one weekend won't really create new jobs, I mean the hotels are packed, but they are owned by a chain, then the restaurants, the servers and such make some extra money, but the general population just has to put up with our crap!
Yea, and one weekend won't really create new jobs, I mean the hotels are packed, but they are owned by a chain, then the restaurants, the servers and such make some extra money, but the general population just has to put up with our crap!

Alot of our businesses that cater to tourism are locally owned and operated. I'm just speaking from what I've seen and know around here. I'm guessing the event is like the NOPI events we used to host. All that was here was punks in rice rockets doing burnouts and instigating races. We have classic car rod runs now and there's less burnouts and races, but the cops patrol ALOT more and for the most part they deal with some of the burnouts but try to stop all the racing. They will ticket you for doing a burnout and then measure how long it is and fine you for every foot in length it is. They will ticket for excessive smoke but you can blow some and they will over look it.
"hick-tastic truck fest"

That one was kind of funny.