fan pulley bolts fell out? wtf


dick doggin
Jul 23, 2007
tired of the I changed the belt..didn't help..then I changed the tensioner cuz hitting it with water made it stop...that was good for about a half hr
then it squeaked and threw the belt while im loading cows....right in front of the chute dammit....unhooked and used the wifes new truck...

then I see the bolts for the fan pulley only got one left...

so new tensioner and now a new belt cuz the bolts fell out...thank god the holes wer still ok. didn't hafta pull the fan...

never seen it least it was in the pasture and not on the road with a load of calfs

anyone ever had this happen?
Mine did about the same thing but the came loose and slung the belt driving. I wrote it off they left them loose after tabbing the kdp. Hasn't happened again.
mine had never been touched...but the belt and tensioner were new cuz I was trying to find a squeak..don't squeak no more
Good deal man, if it gives you any more problems I'd replace it with the mighty gas 360magnum. With duals and straight pipes.