Fan wrenches

Long steel drift punch bar and a 3lbs hammer. Whack the flat on the nut. Then use a fan wrench on the nut. Lot easier than tearing up the nut with an air hammer.
I'm afraid I might have a nut like the one cetaneaddict had. I've used every tool mentioned here with no luck so far (and yes, I'm turning towards the drivers side, that's right, right?)
I'm thinking about hitting the nut with my acetylene torch and seeing what a little heat will do to help out and giving the new air chisel tips I got another try.
An old priest a young priest an ice cube, a crow bar to hold the pulley, a wrench, a hammer and a whole lot of swearing. It finally broke loose...
[ame=""] Lisle LI43300 Pneumatic Fan Clutch Wrench: Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]