FASS question


Cummins Cadillac
Nov 2, 2008
ok so i recently put the edge comp on and now im getting a little concerned about my fuel pressure supplying my precious injection pump the fass is a HPFP 95 1003 ok so let me lay it out for ya-at idle i get 20 psi ,at regular driving on level 1 (40 hp) i get 16-17 psi and on the highest setting the fuel psi can drop to 11 and vary (not a lot but slowly go up and down)between 10 and 20 psi so what im wanting to know is should i upgrade the FASS if so wat kind and if not upgrading it will this be good fuel pressure to keep my vp44 alive.
I think the cummins spec on the critical fuel pressure is somewhere around 6 psi or so for the vp44. 20 psi sounds a little high, but if you are in the "teens", I wouldn't be that concerned.

Are you running an electric or mechanical FP gauge? The fluctuation might have something to do with the gauge itself and not your FASS...
thats good cause im really not up to changing my FASS cause im pleased with the performance of the product but i dont know about 6 psi if thats ok cause they make warning lights in the cab when it gets 5 psi or below i read on a website not to long ago that the new in tank lift pumps puts out 8 psi and said that it was still a little low for the injection pump standards and that chrysler stood completely behind the FASS fuel systems setups.
And to answer your question the FP sending unit is electrical its a glowshift gauge setup i know there not the best quality but they were a good price and it works for me but you think it could be in that FP sender unit?
Yeah I wasn't 100% sure on the FP, but I did know it was someplace in the single digits.

I don't have a lot of experience with electric gauges, but a lot of guys wind up running a snubber with them (if you don't have one already). If a buddy has a mechanical one, I'd rig that up temporarily and check the FP under load if you can.
yeah and how is that way setup im not sure if im familiar with it maybe i am but i can't think of it at the moment
It's a similar setup. You run fuel directly into the mechanical gauge instead of using the electric sender and electric gauge.
ok thats what i figured ive had it long before the fass that i was doubting my lift pump and brought it in to a shop to have the guy look at it real quick and he had that setup to where he just turns it on the top of the fuel filter and can read it like that but it was fluctuating by 1 or 2 psi difference and he gave me another banjo bolt to put in the fuel pump maybe i need a different banjo bolt?
We have seen issues with the JWAM reading low under load....you might double check with a mechanical.....just to make sure...BUT your pressure are fine..you will not damage anything at thoes levels.....
ok ill try to check it out with a mechanical setup to double check. so my fuel psi shouldnt be a big concern at towing, high performance, and regular driving settings right?
ok ill try to check it out with a mechanical setup to double check. so my fuel psi shouldnt be a big concern at towing, high performance, and regular driving settings right?

Well a small drop is not that big of a deal......the one you got now is not bad really...BUT if its dropping like 10 PSI or so...we need to try to figure out why.....Gauge's and Restriction have been the biggest culprits of this issues. Make sure your NAPA 3270 strainer is clean and its the correct filter (If its been changed)
ok its good at staying above 10 psi and stuff so....but it was installed 9-18-08 and i dont think the filter on the fass should be a concern but i havent change my stock fuel filter since then, ive been planning to change it in the nere future.
and i have one other question about the FASS, when i recieved it it was installed by a mechanic and it was all good and correctly installed and then when that was all said and done i filled out the lifetime warranty papers and sent them in but i havent had a response confirming that it will have the warranty.
ok its good at staying above 10 psi and stuff so....but it was installed 9-18-08 and i dont think the filter on the fass should be a concern but i havent change my stock fuel filter since then, ive been planning to change it in the nere future.
and i have one other question about the FASS, when i recieved it it was installed by a mechanic and it was all good and correctly installed and then when that was all said and done i filled out the lifetime warranty papers and sent them in but i havent had a response confirming that it will have the warranty.

Get me your SN and ill run it for you. We don’t issue confirmations of receipt.....
yep thats exactly where i purchased it from..thank you for checking that out for me i appreciate it