ficm question

If you air tested before air testing you drained the rails and have to fill the rails with oil by cranking then pressure test. Sounds like a hpop though
after, but when I took the cover off the hpop I blew air right down the pump and it sounds like im blowing air into the oil pan, or is that just air goining through the pump that im hearing
took the pump off and blew air through the line, cant notice any leaks, I have a buddy coming tomarro just to double check for me then ill order parts, ill let ya know how it goes when I get it back tgether, thanks for all of your help
yup just put new pump in still wont start, it will fire on starting fluid but that's it, it sounds like it wants to start but I just gave up once my bats started dieing. I need some help please???????
How much total cranking time do you have with new pump? It can sometimes take 3-4 minutes of solid cranking to get it to fire.
Once it starts on ether it will have bled itself.
If you wanna bring it to Green Bay I will fix it.