floor it pump?

Apr 26, 2009
I have been waiting for months upon months for my pump from john and just keep getting excuses as to why I don't have it yet. I am sick of waiting and not hearing anything now. We had a dyno day on oct 1st and john was sopposed to be bringing me my pump for the dyno.
He told me that he grabbed the wrong box on the bench and grabbed a core instead and would be shipping mine on monday. well monday came and went and a few more and no word. I started pming him again and now he wont respond at all.
the last 2 pms I sent him this week stated that I have been waiting long enough and if I didn't at least get a response I would be bringing it out in the open. as I am doing now...

I am happy with his pump work, but waiting forever is killing me. I currently have one of his pumps sitting on my bench that I think I am going to canibalize and try to fix myself since I cant seem to get one from him but I dont know where to get parts to fix it. obviously II or shane would be able to fix it for me but I am not so sure they would be willing to send me hi perf parts to fix someone elses pump. I tried running an II pump a 120 over on the dyno and it blew its guts out on the way home and now I have nothing. my rail pressure never got above 25k so I have no idea why it failed. Johns pump just wont keep up anymore and has been the reason I haven't been able to pull this summer. no fuel pressure no go!

what would you guys do? rebuild johns pump myself as it is a stage 4 so the machine work is already done. or should I be enlisting shane to fix it for me?
I am stuck here. I am undecided what is going to happen to the truck but no matter what I need a pump that works whether I part it out or sell it or keep it.

thanks for the help and advise in advance.
For one i wouldnt have brung II pump in to this about it blowing apart. Did you ever try to call in talk personally to Brady about his pump. Did you send Brady his pump back to inspect it. I run II parts in have not had any issue's.

I have talked to John but never ran his parts. John has got away from dealing with public direct. Try one of his dealers like RawDiesel for one that about the only way John will answer any more unless your close friends with him.

If your having issues with another man's product you shouldnt bring another company name into that thread or ask about out pump shop's parts to fix it. Im sure Brady or Shane would sell you parts, but not to fix another man's product.
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And the saga continues. LOL
He was gonna send me one to shut me up on these threads...haven't seen that one yet either. LOL
Sorry man...you're just sh!t outta luck with that guy.
For one i wouldnt have brung II pump in to this about it blowing apart. Did you ever try to call in talk personally to Brady about his pump. Did you send Brady his pump back to inspect it. I run II parts in have not had any issue's.

I have talked to John but never ran his parts. John has got away from dealing with public direct. Try one of his dealers like RawDiesel for one that about the only way John will answer any more unless your close friends with him.

If your having issues with another man's product you shouldnt bring another company name into that thread or ask about out pump shop's parts to fix it. Im sure Brady or Shane would sell you parts, but not to fix another man's product.

I did and thats why I did not comment on the status of that pump. and wont either. I run alot of II's parts on my truck and will not be badmouthing a sponsor.
story sound familiar.

But somehow i did get a nice looking stage two damx for a top pump....
Josh seams to be the only one that can ever get John to follow through, cant he get it done or did he switch pump builders, i saw hes not listed as a floor-it dealer
No josh hasnt been able to get his 2 pumps that he sent down back either. We have basically switched to II.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while driving a loaded concrete truck.
LOL he grabbed the wrong pump. This guy is SO full of $hit. I stopped trying to buy a pump from him after months of broken promises.
Todd at T&C Diesel gets it done. He's close and reasonably priced. I don't understand why you Minnesota people would go out of state when he's in your back yard.:what:
i dont think i know anyone that uses Todd's pumps, but ive heard good things about him, i stay away from diesels with electronics
I just recieved,my 80% over cp3 and modded rail w the 30k prv from Todd @ t&c today ,planning on installing it nx wknd will let u kno how it does . He seems to kno his stuff and gets the job done unlike floorIt . Had 2 of those pumps now and they carried no rail at wot plus can't get ahold of him . Bad taste!!!!!

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I had a floorit pump before todd was building them and i liked my pump till it died. John said he would take care of it so i have been waiting ever since.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while driving a loaded concrete truck.