Fluidampr 24v


New member
Nov 22, 2007
Used fluidampr of my 02 only 25 hooks on it 1 year old Part #: 960301 98-02
$300 obo
Dang if I wouldnt have just bought a cam I would pick this up. If it's still here in a week or two I'll get it from you.
I would like to get it but waiting to get payed on a side job Ill let you know i should be payed in the next few days
Ok well just let me know guys and no the 12v dampr is different sorry
i think i still got the box this thing came in ill have to hunt it up shipping will be a few$ im guessing because its not light!
Does it come with everything to mount it? I didnt know if they come with new mounting bolts or anything.
if it has everything neede to install I'll take it, I can paypal you $$$$ as soon as I get home I haven't figured outr how to do it from my phone yet.