fluted velocity stack thoughts / Batmo pipe


New member
Jul 4, 2009
I plan to make my own velocity stack for a 2.5 truck build. As I researched current options I noticed the "batmo pipe that cpp sells and it got me thinking. I am debating on trying a similar design as in angled fluted on the inside of the velocity stack.

My question is has anybody tried one of these "batmo pipe's" on a pulling truck or done any back to back testing between a similar sized velocity stack? And what are your thoughts on flutes on the inside of the velocity stack to promote swirl and velocity of the air prior to entering the turbo?

when I searched I only came up with this thread, http://www.competitiondiesel.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117388 , that had no real results.
Air will travel faster over a smooth surface than a fluted surface. As mentioned above just a sales gimmick. kinda like how Reese's will come out with a different reeses cup every few years.. still the same thing just in a different form...