For Sale Cheap!!!


Dec 18, 2008
I got a lot of brand new snow for sale free you haul supposed to get new shipment in tonight so i wanna be nice and give my older snow away to a good person who is in needLOL
i'll trade you all the snow fall from yesterday and today for your old snow.
oh i have plenty and its still coming down! in fact you can have it if you haul it away!
I'll trade you all my wind and cold for all your can start delivery immediately!
I'll take all the snow that all of you have.. site unseen.. Don't even care if there is some yellow snow mixed in.
this is the white stuff that falls from the air we are talking about,right?
You couldn't pay me to haul off your snow, old or fresh. It's supposed to sleet/snow here tonight and I'm hoping that the college gets scared and cancels classes tomorrow. Not because I'm afraid to drive in it, but because I don't wanna leave my nice warm bed to get out in that crap. THIS IS TEXAS FOR GOODNESS SAKES!
Lee, you do know where I live right,, lol,, I am pretty sure that you never see the temps we get here in the winter.. Right now it is very balmy, -6... warmest day this winter. We have seen -57 this winter so far....... brrrrr
A foot, that is horseplay. In the last 7 days we have had around 40+ inches here. Best part is there is some more on the way from what I hear.
ok yeah you win! i would want no part in that! no thank you! you can keep that over there! Just think warm..... think of a beach in florida with a beer in your hand and spring break girls naked on the beach! Thats what helps me get through the winters! :drool1:
Lee, you do know where I live right,, lol,, I am pretty sure that you never see the temps we get here in the winter.. Right now it is very balmy, -6... warmest day this winter. We have seen -57 this winter so far....... brrrrr

I've been to Lake of the Woods ON in the winter of '03-'04...-40 is cold enough! LOL