Fresh Motor Smoking White

I agree the compression needs to be higher but the motor doesn't have enough miles on it to seat the rings. I would think that the compression would go up and stabalize after the rings seat.
Surely letting it run without water for that long the rings would have seated at some point. How much blow by is there?
it's dead, time to start over
Sorry, I've been out of town for work and my last semester of college just started so I haven't had to much time so I finally found a mechanic here that would work on it that used to work for Dodge back in the day and knows these engines in and out, since modified diesels are 1 in 10,000 out here.

He's said he's got it running and not chugging smoke anymore, apparantly I had 2 injectors that were just dumping fuel and my timing was at 11*. He's still working on it though and said he'll have it ready next week guaranteed. Just becuase of who he is, I believe him that I'll be driving it here in a few days...