Fuel in oil


New member
May 17, 2007
The last time I changed my oil it seemed as though the amount of oil drained was extremely high, close to 4gallons, and I know I didn't over fill it. Since then I have been monitoring my dip stick regularly and it seems as though it is creeping back up on me. I'm not getting any milk like water in the oil so I am thinking fuel. I have been out of the diesel game for a couple of year now and don't know if this is a common problem with these trucks or not.

The truck is completed stock except for an air intake, has 90,xxx miles on it and no signs of running poorly. No codes, not noticeable miss or loss of power etc... So I am leaning towards a leaking transfer tube or something like that instead of a failed injector. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Also if anyone knows of a good oil analysis lab on the west coast please let me know. I have had nothing but trouble with the local dealers on previous claims and would prefer to steer clear of them as an option.
Thanks, Sean
You don't need that bud.

Get a paper towel. Drop a drop or two of oil on it. If you have a clear wet ring form around the black oil drop. You most certainly have fuel in oil.

Fuel can enter the crankcase from the cp3 nose or cracked injector body, 9/10 times.
Some stock 6.7s will "make oil" between oil changes because of DPF regeneration cycles. The injectors are fired on an exhaust stroke to bring up the temperatures within the DPF to burn the soot out of them. Some fuel gets past the rings and into the crankcase and over time the oil level will rise. But to be safe you may want to check into your engine further.
Thanks guys I will definitely look into those things, and regen may be a good bet. Ever since the j31 update or whatever it is called, the truck goes into regen all the time. But I will look Ito the cp3 and injector bodies as well.
Thanks guys I will definitely look into those things, and regen may be a good bet. Ever since the j31 update or whatever it is called, the truck goes into regen all the time. But I will look Ito the cp3 and injector bodies as well.

Did you figure out the culprit?
Not yet, doing an oil change today. Gutted the CCV which was really filled up, and while adjusting the valves I may take a look at the injector bodies. Still waiting on my exhaust to come in to do the deletes, so hopefully it is just the dpf regen thing that was mentioned above.