Garden Snake


Cummins R&D Tech
Mar 31, 2011
So I work for Cummins and the engineering group's boss has a late 90's early 00's Viper GTS. I have only the ccsb Dodge in my sig. Through a bit of trash talk i've indirectly challeged him to a drag race. Since those cars are decently hefty and only produced 450 hp, you wouldn't think it would be extremely difficult to beat it. Problem is, his happens to be supercharged. I don't know the brand or model of the blower currently, but he estimates 600hp. My plans have varied a few times as to what i'm going to do to my truck. The solid plans are dual fuelers and EFI, but as far as what size injectors or what turbo setup, I haven't settled on one setup yet. I was thinking 150 hp sticks and a silver 66mm, but now i'm thinking a decent sized set of twins to remove lag (it's my dd so i have to live with it). My real question to you guys is, can i create sufficient power to beat him with what i'm looking at, and is it going to put me in aftermarket rod territory? I'm hoping 750-800 hp and some practice will get me a win and large amount of smug to carry around for a while.

tl:dr my coworker has a supercharged viper, what do i need to wax him (or juuuust eeek out a win) with a DD 4x4 ccsb dodge in a drag race
Make sure you lube up right before the race because you're going to get raped.
Race him an 1/8th mile. Launch in 4 hi. Unless he is damn good at driving I don't see him catching you in an 8th mile. Not in a 600+rwhp viper on street tires.
Traction is your friend. Definitely 1/8th mile, that snake will back half in the 1/4 like no other. I would say unless he can drive good and runs some type of slick or drag radial you will get him with 800hp.
So traction bars and some street tires should be on the shopping list. As far as turbos and injectors, anybody who drag races fairly often have any suggestions? This would be a one time event, but i intend to keep it a nasty street toy until someone else wants to own it someday
I would get a charger from fleece or ED. Not a fan of any silver series
I actually had considered a fleece 63 cheetah, and had planned on having It tuned by them as well. What would you recommend pairing with the cheetah? I've heard 75 and 80, but I have no experience or anyone I know locally running twins to get a feel for them. And it won't be on the street, I severely doubt he'd fly for that. Plus I'm sure with a nice boosted 4wd launch, I'd smoke him off the line and he'd say there's no traction on the street. We have a kinda local strip in bean blossom, which I'd imagine is where this will take place
I would talk to Lavon. He's putting down some quick times for an almost stock truck. But I agree with all the others. Run the 1/8. You'll get smoked on the big end!

Or get beat and use it for motivation to build it faster!
If he can drive, that car will 60' as well if not better than your truck IF he's on a quality drag radial.
Lavon was the one who had me thinking silver 66, but Matt's mega made me think about twins. He'll have it on nice street tires, not dedicated slicks. If memory serves, he basically stole it from an acquaintance going through a divorce, with it being already supercharged and good to go. He only drives it on perfect days, except once this past summer, surprise rain shower caught him unprepared at a company car show (I got very sick satisfaction out of that). As for his driving abilities, I know he's taken it to a track day or two before, and he spun it. Not sure about drag racing. But I don't think he'd accept the "challenge" if he had no idea what the garden snake could do in a straight line. He's just cocky about it and I want to burst his bubble, but I'm not sure I could be at much more of a disadvantage haha
[ame=""]Supercharged Dodge Viper GTS vs Diesel Truck Drag Racing - YouTube[/ame]

^I wanna do this lol