Gauging interest in a dyno day - Texas


Inmate #28
Feb 16, 2007
How many people would be interested in a dyno day on March 16th? That's the Friday before the Alvarado pull. No prizes or nothing, just pay your money to make your dyno runs and hang out with friends?
My twins won't be done by then.... But, if it's cheap enough I am down
Idk Anna, I think people still got a bad taste in their mouth from your last dyno day
I'm not even gonna try to get prizes and make this a contest with winners, which is where the problem was with the last one. I had too much going on in my life then, and I still have too much going on to put that much organization into something like this. Making a couple phone calls to reserve the dyno and settle on a price is far less time consuming than arranging classes, lining up prizes and tracking the dyno numbers on the day. However, I don't think you were even at the last one, so I don't know what your complaint might be.

If you, or anyone else, doesn't have any faith in my ability to put together a fun dyno day, you don't have to come.
24vriviera, I'm just trying to figure out how many people might want to make a couple pulls on the dyno before the sled pull. If there is enough interest to make it worthwhile, then I'll talk with the shop about cost for the day.
Count me in then Anna! We will have something to dyno even if it isn't my car.
If my truck is ready I'd like to make it. You actually going to award prizes and give them out this time?
Will she said no prizes this time, and my truck got running last night so if im off work ill be there!