george smolen

Wow at first glance I thought someone had stolen George. I was pissed!
Hello George!

I assume you're putting a 08 motor in your 01 truck?
No no, he's got himself an antique 2008 Calendar that he'll be proudly displaying in his 2001 truck... c'mon guys get with the program
I remember the '08 calendar, that was a good year. Nice choice.
I remember the '08 calendar, that was a good year. Nice choice.

Best ever in my book. 08 was a sweet calender. 2012 looks promising, but if it stands up to 08 I'd be shocked.
im going to swap a v6 mustang engine in my truck. ill post up pics asap
Man! I just put a 07 calender in my truck and this guy comes along and has to one up me! This is BS!
I had to quit using post dated calendars, too many missed appointments.

Welcome to CompD George. Good luck with your project.
Haha, this reminded me of a guy I worked with about 7 or 8 years ago who had all his old snapon calendars. Come January he would dig through his stack and find one that the days matched. He said the older ones were way better than the newer ones. After looking at some new ones on the tool truck I had to agree. Boobies FTW.
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