going away and have a few questions


Active member
Jul 10, 2012
Hey guy!

no on here as ever steered me wrong yet and I thank you all.

I'm getting ready to go to china for 3month - 1 year for work. My dually will be sitting at the house and my wife can't drive anything bigger than her vw bug.

With that being said other than changing the filters, and a oil change, making sure the tires are topped off and have a good coat of tire shine to protect them. Is there anything else I need to do to get her ready to sit for a while?

Should I disconnect the batteries?
I would remove the batteries and keep them in a garage if you can. A fuel conditioner would be a good idea too.
My Brother inlaw stored his 05 in my Father inlaws shop for 5 years. Even with a battery tender the batteries did not survive. I think they were unplugged to many times. We put the truck on jack stands so he didn't have to worry about tires going flat and put some desicant packs in the cab. When other Brother inlaw or myself would go over we would start it up (about once a year) and let it run for a little bit.

The only problem he had was a cat or something climbed all over it and scratched the paint. I would suggest a cover if you can get one, but only if it is stored out of the weather.

And no, he didn't go to jail.:hehe:

He is in the Airforce and got stationed in Italy for 5 years. We weren't sure the truck would fit the roads.:hehe:
What part of the country do you live in? In my opinion 3 months to a year isn't that long to store a vehicle. I drove mine once during the six months of winter/spring last year as I drove my gasser trash every day. I didn't do anything other than park it out of the driveway so I didn't have to plow around it. I did not have any problems, however you may want to put some mouse/rat poison in it. My gasser trash was nibbled on when I took the diesel and camper on vacation for a week last year. LOL
I've heard dryer sheets in the cabin and engine bay repel the rodents. That would be my #1 concern. Make sure the fuel is topped off. I would pull the batteries and place them in a temperature controlled environment with a battery tender. That gives them the best chance at surviving, also an excellent theft deterrent. If outside I would block all the windows off with reflective foil. Clean and wax the paint, followed by a quality car cover.
Will it be stored indoors or out?

out doors in central fl. if i had the space at my shop i'd put her in there just to keep sun off.

I've heard dryer sheets in the cabin and engine bay repel the rodents. That would be my #1 concern. Make sure the fuel is topped off. I would pull the batteries and place them in a temperature controlled environment with a battery tender. That gives them the best chance at surviving, also an excellent theft deterrent. If outside I would block all the windows off with reflective foil. Clean and wax the paint, followed by a quality car cover.

Should I just keep enough fuel? a full tank seems like a) a waste b) might go stale depending on my time away.

Tire shine actually will dry out the tires over time.

Is there anything to help protect? I need new tires anyway but will get them when i get home.
I would top the fuel off and put conditioner in it to keep algae from growing.
The sun and heat in FL takes a toll on anything stored.
I would fill tank and use a conditioner in fuel.
Fill the tank to keep it from sweating internally, rig up some kind of shade on the interior windows, remove batteries and cover the tires.