Got a little present from Wicked Diesels today

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How does the pump run?

Pump runs fine and did when I sent it to him. Just wanted as I said, a spiffy looking pump like the one in his avatar and didn't trust myself to pull plugs..etc to do it the way I asked for.

Shane may do the work he does just fine, it's the way it was handled which hasn't been totally mentioned here and won't be. He'll lead you guys to believe he did no wrong but, IMO.. that wasn't the case. I never meant for all this to be said in this thread but, Shane felt he was in the right and commenced to bash me.
Please....there was none of that. He wasn't trying to make good on anything. I would have been even more pissed if I did get charged for dropping my pump in a bucket of paint. That's not what I wanted and he knew that.

btw...Schoolbus, it didn't need to go any farther than Smokes post to my first post. Someone else felt the need to go there.

So he just randomly gives out parts/services for free?
just call john next time, floorits the only way to go and he actually KNOWS these pumps inside and out and is doing things the "other" guys have no clue about..... trust me

Have you ever owen a Wicked Diesels pump? Just curious because that's a pretty bold statement to make. I don't think you'll find many around the forums that'll say that Shane doesn't make an awesome pump

Looks good smoke19d! Too bad everyone feels the need to bash in this thread tho.

Thanks man:Cheer:
If I were to have got the work I asked for..... it very much would have benefited him too. I think he actually felt guilty about charging me do to the crap job that was done.
I think everybody has the right to share a good or bad experiance with a company. But there is a time and a place
Pump runs fine and did when I sent it to him. Just wanted as I said, a spiffy looking pump like the one in his avatar and didn't trust myself to pull plugs..etc to do it the way I asked for.

Shane may do the work he does just fine, it's the way it was handled which hasn't been totally mentioned here and won't be. He'll lead you guys to believe he did no wrong but, IMO.. that wasn't the case. I never meant for all this to be said in this thread but, Shane felt he was in the right and commenced to bash me.

OK I thought maybe you had your pump upgraded or something performance related.
Here is Ty's PM after recieving the CP3, guess he changed his mind on what he thought.

Hi Shane,

Got the pump.... thank you ! I'm not complaining but, it's not what I was looking to do with it though. I wanted it to look like the pump in your avatar only with red as the color. I also pictured the openings with the torx screws red with silver around them.

Don't know when you slow down if ever but, maybe over the winter I can send you both my pumps to be done like I mentioned ? Maybe have you throw a trick or two in them too. I'll definitely contact you first.

Ok, thank again. If I owe you anything, let me know.

Seeing how you react to something as insignificant as paint, wonder how you might have reacted if I went to the trouble of completely tearing apart your pump, doing it up and then for some reason a piece of dirt, got in somewhere or a little leak developed. I already knew the answer to that one, now every one else does too.

Triton:Did you get my last PM ???

Triton:Can you tell me where you're at with my pump ?


Me:It is still in the box, want it back?

Triton:Is that what you tell all your customers ? That's a pretty poor attitude. Geezz man, I know I'm not spending a lot of cash with you but, I figured you wouldn't mind taking care of it for me.

Me:Ty, first of all you should have called instead of dropping it in my lap, and having any preconcieved expectation. Money is not the issue, I would have actually done it for free, as time allowed. As for not minding, I don't mind to do it. Having the time to do it is another story.

You told me you would let me know, when you needed it back, I was just asking.

I pose the same question..Want it back?

Triton:You are correct, I did just drop it on you but, one I didn't know you were on vacation and 2, I couldn't imagine you were so busy you couldn't do it in a reasonable amount of time. I figured since I talked to you about it a while ago, it wouldn't be too big a deal.

I don't expect anything for free as that just has you doing it as you said " when time allows " I'm willing to be a paying customer if need be and just like anyone who were to send you a pump would hope to not have their truck down longer than necessary. My truck was down anyway which is why I sent it. I figured you would have plenty of time. That time has gone by though and you say it's still in the box.

I would have thought the 3 weeks you've had it was more than ampule time to just clean it up and powder coat things.

I guess if I'm looking at another month to get it from you, I have to have it back. That's very unfortunate because you do some really nice work on them and it would have been another fine looking part in my engine compartment.

I know you deal with DTech and Cowboy ( Harold ). They're sponsoring me for 2010. As of yet, they don't have very many dealers in their network for performance and I had planned to direct people to you as a part of me helping them for helping me.

I can't do that though if your turn around times are 1 month + You know as well as I, people have to have their vehicles down for as little time as possible.

If you think you can take care of it by not this weekend but next, please do as I'd love to have a sharp looking pump. If you can't, I have no choice but to get it back. If I had left my truck in my own shop, it wouldn't be too big a deal. Unfortunately, it's at Garmons shop and I want to get it out of his hair and work bay asap.


Me:I will see what I can get done. Harold Brown was at my shop, about a month ago. Seems we travel in the same circles.

My turnaround times are prioritized, based upon the time the order is placed. Once parts arrive, next in line gets their product. Orders that were already made, coinciding with parts arriving after I returned from vacation, is what caused a back up on work.

Being busy, has its positive aspects, as well as negative ones.

Being one man sure has its drawbacks.

Triton:I appreciate what ever you can do. I'd like to say I feel for you being so busy but, it's more like.... you lucky ba$tard !! __________________

Black Patch Diesel
Garmon Diesel / Airwerks / HTT
AirDog / Glacier Diesel / NADM
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one last post to this as I had no intention of it getting this far. I didn't post to bash this vendor nor have I said the actual mechanical work he does is poor. This is about something I thought he was able to do but didn't.

My truck is nothing special but, I take pride in what it looks like. Much of the work done to it is because I've tried to have a cool looking original. I don't have the money to make it sema show quality but, do pay a lot of attention to detail.

Shane and I go back a few years and it seems there's always been a conflict of personality. I've always bit my lip about it but, then I see this post about how short of time it took and the pump looked very nice. Smoked didn't even ask for a look.... just a pump built.

It had nothing to do with me getting something for free.... that was his idea. If you can't trust someone to do the type of work you ask for, I think you have full right to say something. Shane's response to what I said in the second post of this thread is why it's gotten to this point. It's not like I made the post to trash someone.

I'm a paying consumer just like anyone else and expect nothing for free. This is what I got after at least 2 months of waiting and several emails explaining what I was looking for. I didn't appreciate it for the simple reason that I asked for a custom look much like Shane's avatar and that's not at all what I received.... free or not.

Shane, your last post only points out how right I am.

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