Gotta get a head decked. Question.

Signal 73

#2 is #1
Jul 30, 2006
I got a 12V head from a buddy im gonna have rings done but its going to need to get decked it has a decent scratch right by one of the waterjackets enough you can catch your fingernail on.
I wanted to know how much you can take off the head before having to go to a thicker gasket? Any cummins spec on this?
the fire deck is flat, a thicker headgasket does nothing to compensate whats been removed from the head.

Have the valves reset and enjoy slightly increased injector protrusion. :Cheer:
If it'll just catch our nail It will come out with some mild decking and with out any clearance issues.$.02
the fire deck is flat, a thicker headgasket does nothing to compensate whats been removed from the head.

Have the valves reset and enjoy slightly increased injector protrusion. :Cheer:

What he said.
ask your mechanic that same question, if he cant give you an explanation or tell you the specs on the allowable valve set back, then i would take it somewhere else.