Hagerstown Maryland Cruise/Get together MAY 8th


Dec 22, 2009
Guys and Gals,

I'm trying to organize a get together in Hagerstown, Maryland. Nothing special just a Diesel get together to meet new friends and hang out with old ones. I would also encourage that we organize a list of all the local truck pulls, and events of the summer. The Mall or the County Market is a very popular hang out spot for all the imports, and hot rods. I'm not encouraging us to go there to raise a ruckus or try to race the Hot Rod Guys. (We all know we would win lol!) I'm simply looking for fun, and to let it be known that Diesels are here to stay!!!!

The other reason I would like to have a cruise/get together is for my wife, last summer she was involved in a minor accident. The minor accident which involved head injuries, turned into something very serious. She has to have 2 operations one of which will involve operating on her head/nerves above the ear/ and the brain. She will not be able to go to a lot of the truck pulls again this summer simply because light/ and noises are too much for her with her present condition. She would enjoy this outing greatly because she is definitely a big time Diesel fan!

May 8th-Hagerstown Mall 6pm start-cruise @ 9pm. (this can be modified if we get enough requests)

If anybody has any thoughts or ideas for this get together/cruise, please feel free to add your thoughts.


Jim V
Sounds like a good time although you hit two events. TS is May 8th and the first sled pull at the Buck is also the 8th.