Hamilton issue replaced push rods truck wont start

Hopefully this was just a defect and nothing against hamilton i do believe they sell quality products and have trusted them with all the upgrades in my truck if i find the rest of the retainer no harm no foul. Thank you again Texas Highways i dont know who helped me but i am happy i recieved the part so quickly
Glad its fixed with no damage. Always reset lash anytime you have to do anything to the rockers.
I know of certain diesel shop that replaced the pushrods without adjusting valve lash. Took them about 3 hrs to figure out why it wouldn't start. Haha
Hahahah yes blew my mind since the rods were the same size when eyeing them didnt know they make soo much of a difference
I always adjust them anytime I do anything involving valvetrain. I figure if something didn't go back together exactly how it came off, it could throw lash off even a few thousandths, and that might suck.
Probably stuck to your pan magnet! If it's not in one of the valley's in the head! Did you run a magnet in all the nooks and crannies?
I ran a magnet on cylinder 5 which is the one that broke for hours and nothing came up. So hopefully it fell into the pan i literally was on top of the truck using the flexible magnet to get into the pushrod valley.
I am still confused where the squealing came from if you could bar the engine by yourself? That's the only reason I was thinking starter or flexplate.

Glad you got it sorted out. You should be religious about valve lash. I check mine every time I have a reason to take valve covers off on anything I own.
Well I was told by one of the guys at the cummins forum that it sounded like I was losing compression and it cause the squealing noise. He then advised to check the valve lash just like Mike did and wala the intake were super tight so I loosen them up I had trouble loosening the exhaust on cylinder 6 the screw didn't want to loosen at all. Even after I got the correct valve lash on that exhaust valve the screw was still tight
Didn't you recently just have your head or the rockers off prior to this for head stud install?

The broken retainer could have also been related to incorrect valve lash adjustment previously.
Didn't you recently just have your head or the rockers off prior to this for head stud install?

The broken retainer could have also been related to incorrect valve lash adjustment previously.

If they were too tight, then they could have bottomed out I suppose. How close to full compression of the springs do you think it'd normally be at?
Didn't you recently just have your head or the rockers off prior to this for head stud install?

The broken retainer could have also been related to incorrect valve lash adjustment previously.

Yes I had the Rockers off with ther stud install but I did the springs after and had set the Valve lash correctly right after the spring install
Alright guys I changed the oil and ran a magnet on the oil pan no metal chucks no nothing so for now i can only hope it disentegrated or at least outside of the motor somewhere
what, wait, your suppose to reset the valve lash after replacing the push tubes, who would have guessed.
They looked the same, Dan, Jesus. Leave him alone. LOL

I'm glad you learned to always set lash without some serious damage....that you know of.
Wowsers. You got real lucky. Even if you label everything and no hardparts change, still always recheck. It will be off at least a little just from usage/wear.

I can't help but thinking the retainer failure is related to the botched install. I wouldn't consider its a Hamilton issue.
The install wasnt botched install everything was done by the book even had a guy from outlaw diesel here in miami help out so everything was done to spec and valve lash was d9ne right after