hard cold starts after jammer 5's


New member
Apr 2, 2007
Hey guys i'm new here and havent had any luck yet at the other sites and hoping someone will be able to give me some advise. I swapped out a used set of full jammer 5 injectors, popped and cleaned. The install went in easy enough. All had the copper washers and the o rings on them were in good shape. Well it started and ran well, seemed to be a little rougher idle but expected that. After sitting for more than 20 minutes, however, and it wont start back up untill at least 10 seconds or more cranking. I took out the connector tubes and cleaned them and changed their o rings which also looked ok. But to no avail it still seems to bleed back air into the system.

Anyone have any ideas??? i have no fuel leaks that i can see anywhere from the engine bay.

Just how tight should the 3/4 inch nuts be???

Thanks, TNutcher

*untill i get my profile its : 99 dodge QC SB suncoasted auto! FASS 150 HPFP, jammer 5's, Edge EZ, BHAF, no muffler, full isspro gauges, fully loaded.
3/4 inch nuts that hold the lines to the tubes? I figure if your leak was there you would have fuel everywhere when it runs.
Have you started it this morning after it sat all night? Same deal? Go give it hell on the highway and get some fuel ran though it and see if you can't purge the air bubbles out of it. We pulled a set of jammer 5's out of a '99 yesterday and swapped them for a set of 7x.012's. The 5's may go in my truck. I hope I don't have this problem! What does your fuel PSI read right before you start to crank it? Too high pressure sometimes will cause long starts from what I've heard. Keep us posted, I'm sure someone around here can help you out.
my brother has a problem with starting once the truck is warmed up. the problem with his was the diaphram in the injector pump is busted. he did figure out that if he just didn't give it any time before he started it. meaning he just turned it straight on and didn't worry about the WTS light. just started it like a gasser and started every time. something else you might try is take one of the injectors out and put a wrench on the nozzle end and then find a very stationare piece of metal for the slot at the end of the injector. if it is very hard to get loose then you need to loosen every one of them and retorque them to 35lbs. this happened to a guy in my brothers cummins club thing that he is part of. let me know if this helps any.
Yeah the nuts holding the lines to the tubes are all tight and dont leak fuel at all, even after a couple hours running.

I was hoping it was just trapped air in it but i've gone through nearly half a tank since i did it and around 4 days.

I used to have the hard start when warm from too much pressure to the VP too but it took a big poo on me and had to get a new one... unfortunatly not a HOTROD =( but its not that.... only when its cold and its like air in the lines...

Parked facing downhill it starts like it should.... i'm leaning towards maybe the overflow valve being the culprit.... does this sound like a pheasable explanatioon or BS or maybe just a hope lol! Anyone have anything like this happen on theirs with the overflow?? Thanks for all your reply's though guys, its helping! Keep uhm coming!! haha
I'd change that overflow valve and if it's not that then I'd put the old injectors and see if the problem goes away and if it does then bingo and if not then it may be your vp is going out---chris
ooops didn't see you have a recent VP--but I'm thinking it's the overflow valve anyway---chris
tnutcher said:
Parked facing downhill it starts like it should....TNutcher

This was a recent topic a while back. Do a search on the downhill thing and see what you can dig up. I know I read that a few months ago.
well i put in a new overflow valve... it did nothing...

my fuel pressure is back down from idle 19 WOT 14 to idle 15 WOT 10 consistently after the new overflow.... i was hoping it up it to the old pressure but didnt. I might change the filter and check out the fittings and all on the filter housing and the drain valve... maybe its not shutting as tight of a seal as it should...

I'll check threads. thanks and nice racoon pic lol! pretty sweet!

Thanks guys... gettin warmer i hope!

are there o-rings on the FASS?? if so I'd check them all out and if they look ok then I'd be changing back to the other injectors and see if it really isn't a problem with the Jammers---chris
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! Haha WHOO HOO!!!

I found a post on TDR (keyword search downhill parking) and the fellow was having the sam problems. he came to the conclusion that it was:
1. supply fuel lines
2. return fuel lines
-I know i was thinking jee well DUHHH too
3. the injectors are not seated down properly (should be pressed in firmly with hand and then once the 8mm bolts holding them down and the 3/4 line nuts are finger tight, they should be alternately snugged down to tightness.)
4. A "T" near the end of the block that connects the overflow from VP44 and injectors overflow from the block and sends it back to the tank via the frame.

I decided to try the T fitting (not easy lol knee's were on the intake horn crankin on the nuts.) It helped a little, but just made it take longer for the fuel to bleed off.

SOOO off went the valve cover and redid the injector instal. #5 wasnt seated proporly and had burn marks near where the fuel is shot into it. But after snugging them down little by little alternately and using vasaline on all orings and high pressure "press fit" sealing surfaces, put it back together and havn't had a problem since.... YES!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who helped me get this thing figured out!
Was the idle off with the injector not being seated in right?
No i was fairly surprised when i saw how bad the #5 was. well it wasn't melted and deformed but it just had burn marks on it... it sounds the same if not more lopey than before.... just a consistent chugchugchugchugchug a little moreso than stock. lol fine by me though it sounds cool!
Guess I need to try that cause I'm running into the same problem. After sitting for a while it won't start. Problem though is that it started a month or so after a lift pump change and there are no leaks in any of the lines. Even after I replaced the injectors it still does it.