Harry Piers Phone # ASAP

Sometimes when i buy stuff it looks like two charges. One temporary authorization and then the actual charge. I don't really understand it, but in a couple days there is just the one actual charge and it all fixes itself?

Sorry, I wouldn't say i "know" Piers, spoke with him once years ago when he was at PDR and bought some stuff, but his reputation around this industry goes back a long, long time. If it's really a mistake he'll fix it.

good luck,


In this situation you are correct.. This is what happened.. It has never happend to me before.. I checked this morning and it is all back to normal, and only shows one transaction with Peak.. This is completely my banks fault, when I called them yesterday they said it was two seperate charges, I guess they don't even know their own system.... Sorry for the confusion.. Peak diesel is top notch and I cant wait to report back on the performance of my new engine with the cam..
The only time banks care about your money is when they don't have it.....period, they could careless about you.

Glad to hear it all worked out for you. Harry and Piers are great to work with. Sounds like your bank could stand some improvement though.
Now Dave Ramsey won't come to your house and cut all your cards up.LOL

Dave is my new best friend and I have $670 to go till my plastic surgery.......waiting till an insurance deal is settled.

Ever wonder how slow it is building a truck on cash.....I'll tell you it's slow.

Dave is my new best friend and I have $670 to go till my plastic surgery.......waiting till an insurance deal is settled.

Ever wonder how slow it is building a truck on cash.....I'll tell you it's slow.


I hear you. But at least you know it's something you REALLY want! I love ol'e Dave,

too. Makes me roll with all cash.