Hay Straps


Cummins Cadillac
Nov 2, 2008
im about to buy a flatbed trailer cause were gonna need some hay hauled and we are running out, and im wonder where i could get good quality hay straps that are the heavy duty ones for a good price?
Tractor Supply Co has some good straps. Bought four 30ft 10K lb straps for around 50 bucks. Havent let me down yet.

I'd go with the straps at TSC as we have had some for years and dad still uses them almost everyday. They are hard to beat in bang for your buck.
I use the 2 inch yellow ones. I try to catch them on sale for $20-$22 each. S-Line is my favorite brand so far. I believe www.northerntool.com has them.


Not exactly a professional tie down job, but they are rated for 10K and I've never broken one. Stack good and don't drive like an idiot and you'll be good even without them.

yeah i didnt quit know what size and length was appropriate i figured 3 inch ya can't go wrong but there is a big difference on that price i didnt think it would be to much between 2 and 3
We use 2'' straps over the sides. a rope front and back and a come along to squezze it together.
Don't flip a cigarret out the window either. :D I saw a load like that one at Exit 174 last summer on fire. It was a HUGE mess to say the least.
See if you have a Truckpro in your area, they have had the best prices on load securing stuff I have found.
We have boards too, They keep the ropes from grinding into the load. We had{sold it, to heavy} a steel deck trailer that the floor was rubbing the tire and caught a load of hay on fire once, luckly we knew a farmer close by and he used a loader to push the load off. What a mess!