HE341 specs?


New member
Oct 24, 2007
Can anyone tell me the specs on the HE341? I am looking for compressor inducer and exducer sizes as well as the turbine side.

I measured one a while back but its been a while back and I cant seem to remember.

I know the turbine housing is 9cm but I cant remember what the specs are on the compressor wheel.

Well I am pretty sure the inducer is 58mm lol. I have one in the garage waiting on me to take the housings off to drill out the wastegate and polish the comp. When I do I'll measure them if no one else has posted up info.
Aren't the HE341 specs the same as a HY35/9 off a 2nd gen automatic? Just different housings and frame.
HE341: 54MM Compressor
HE341: 9 CM Exhaust Housing
HE341: 58MM Inducer
And here lies the problem, I have heard 54mm, 56mm and 58mm. I measured the darn thing about 2 years ago but now cant remember. I seem to remember 58 but would believe 56mm since I'm not the best at mesuring compressor wheels.
I have seen a picture of a HE341 with calipers stuck on the compressor wheel clearly reading 58mm. Unless it was a camera trick, I'd say 58mm is correct. I personally have never measured a HE341 so no first hand experience here.
Thanks blue. I think I will get my camer and calipers out when I get home and get the proof I need and post some stuff up, I cant find the info anywhere on the net, at least nothing with actual evidence just contradicting agruments.