Head Install Tips


Diesel Fan
Dec 10, 2008
I got the head off the other day with no issues everything went smooth we took are time with no problems. I am having the head cut for fire rings and some other stuff.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to install the head back on the truck and make sure the fire rings are sitting where they are supposed to and dont get moved in the process of setting the head on the block. Any Ideas?

How do you suggest getting the head lined up perfect before setting it on?
super glue the fire rings to the head and if possable use a engine hoist to put the head on is what i did cause these heads are heavy as hell lol
If you are going to run studs instead of head bolts, you might be able to drop a stud or two thru the head once it's close to lined up and thread the studs in to help guide the head into place. Don't install a stud or two first because they would hinder your ability to navigate the head and could damage the fire rings if you're not careful.
I did mine myself...you will need an engine hoist. I went to napa and bought some of the red spray tcck stuff and coated the rings and set them in the grooves for like 10 mins then pick the head and massage it down onto the locating dowel things. You can get it close and put a few studs in to guide it down, but thats how i did it.
First take the cowling off, if you haven't already. Depending on what fire rings you got, if you got the bigger ones put the head gasket on the block and put the fire rings inside the gasket (they fit just right) then use some studs to guide it on.