Heavy Truck Twin Choices- Drag Racing

Heavy Racer Twinset

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Hoss said:
A Hybred 40 over a Big Brother :rockwoot:

But I like old school :bow:

When do I get my ride?:poke:

I'd go with the 64 over S480, but I'd also listen to Nathen too.$.02
I'm currently looking into some large(r) huffers ....:evil :ft: :ft:

to be continued..............:ft:
It wasn't one of the choices,...

RacinDuallie said:
Heavy 4wd QC Duallie- 24V with a hairy P-pump. 8000lbs.

Pick the twinset.:thankyou2:

but I'm lovin' my HTT SS 64/71/13 and S400 80mm w/external wastegate. Just another option for you. Nathan, at MPI did mine.
OT-OF-Here said:
but I'm lovin' my HTT SS 64/71/13 and S400 80mm w/external wastegate. Just another option for you. Nathan, at MPI did mine.
I read the thread on your new combo- congrats- glad you are seeing some great results- Nathan knows quite a bit- However I am thinking slightly larger in the lower huffer dept..... awaiting answers from 2 different companies......:evil
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I made a decision..... and I have some turbos in the for sale section.....

Getting some larger:ft: :ft: hairdryers.:thankyou2: :evil