
you need gauges no matter what you have. period. and the 24valves aren't all bad, i just play rough. build it properly and you should have no problems.
Yea i want something reliable not something that has to make crazy amounts of power. Ive read on here people talking about 24v's having problems with their injectors too. But it seems 50/50 some people say they dont have problems with them an others say they do. Any idea what would cause them to have problems? So i ask alot of questions kinda new to this diesel. Ive worked on powerstrokes before (nightmare) an worked on cars tractors my whole life so its not that new to me just the cummins in itself
Pritty shore them x energy injectors are good. Im a 12v guy. I like mechanical.
i run scheid injectors, no problems at all... other than they are kinda dirty
12v's are dead reliable. 1 wire for the fuel shut off and 1 for the starter. Every other wire is optional. I would go 12v for simplicity. Parts are cheaper too.
ya get a 12v, you can get tuners from craftsman, mac, matco, snap-on, allen, cromwell, and a whole bunch of other places. and they are super cheap.