Help ASAP!

Jesus christ..

What does it take to get a job as a Dodge engineer?

"I once put together a fisher-price play stand."

Your Hired!!

I cannot beleive that. Thank god I have an 01.
Just be glad you dont live in the rust belt.. I had a rotor rust in half on the way to Indiana, what a NOISE!!!

I discovered this design BS in the Autozone parking lot, where I thought I was going to fix it. Wrong.
Tie wire, holding the loose half to the spindle, and a vise grip on the brake line, head down the highway!!!!!

Had a friend help fix that side, then I took it to a schmuck to fix the other, :hehe: :hehe:
Don't leave us hanging! What did you do about your rotors? I will turn mine one time and then go to slotted rotors. Yours may have been turned once allready.